
  • 网络orogenic phase
  1. 早期造山幕(J2),中侏罗世早期为同造山伸展构造,结构要素组合有:岩石圈上隆伸展有关的火山盆地及可能的同期侵入岩,火山岩线型分布;

    During the early orogenic episode ( J_2 ), in earlier stage of Middle Jurassic , it is syn-orogenic extension . Structural elements associations are : volcanic basins and intrusive rocks with lithosphere uplift and extension , linear distribution of volcanic rocks ;

  2. 文中主要从岩浆活动与构造变形两个途径,通过(1)燕山带造山幕和结构要素组合以及造山过程的p-T-t轨迹;

    To assess them , on the basis of both magmatism and tectonic deformation , we have considered the following : ( 1 ) structural elements , orogenic episodes , and the P-T-t path of orogenic processes in Yanshan belt ;

  3. 现在,Sttile的造山幕术语已经被人们摈弃了,但是,迄今还有不少地质学家沿用诸如印支运动、燕山造山作用和喜马拉雅造山幕之类的术语。

    Stille 's orogenic phases have been abandoned , but many geologists use the terms such as Indosinian movement , Yanshanian orogeny and Himalayan phases as yet .

  4. 整个盆山耦合系统的构造演化可划分为如下阶段:早古生代造山事件第一幕(郁南运动)形成云开复式背斜带,古博白前缘凹陷形成于其东南侧。

    The tectonic evolution of the whole basin-range system may fall into the following stages : the first phase ( Yunan movement ) of the Early Paleozoic orogenic event gave rise to the Yunkai anticlinorium , with the paleo-Bobai front depression formed at its southeast side ;

  5. 其中,第二、三岩浆活动阶段分别早于燕山造山带在中、晚侏罗世末的两次主造山幕发生的时代,所以燕山地区主造山幕的P-T-t演化为逆时针轨迹。

    The second and third stages of magmatism occurred before the main orogenic episodes in the end of mid-Jurassic and late-Jurassic , respectively ; therefore , the main orogenic episodes have counterclockwise ( CCW ) P-T-t path .