
páo zhì
  • Processing;prepare;concoct;make;cook up;do;processing drugs
炮制 [páo zhì]
  • (1) [processing drugs]∶用烘、炮、炒、洗、泡、漂、蒸、煮等方法加工中草药。目的是消除或减低药物的毒性,加强疗效,便于制剂和贮藏,使药物纯净

  • 耘樵得甘芳,龁啮谢炮制。--苏轼诗

  • (2) [concoct;cook up]∶泛指编制;制定(贬义)

  • 炮制反动纲领

  • (3) [do;make]∶做,制作

  • 如法炮制

炮制[páo zhì]
  1. 中药炮制是根据中医药理论,依照辨证施治用药的需要和药物自身的性质,以及调剂、制剂的不同要求,所采取的一项制药技术。是一项传统的制药技术。

    Processing drugs is a traditional pharmacy technology based on the traditional theories , the requirements of treatment , the quality nature of drugs and the different demands of dispensing .

  2. 她一年大概炮制出四本书。

    She bashed out about four books a year .

  3. 山茱萸炮制前后的HPLC指纹图谱研究

    Study on Fingerprint of Crude and Processed Cornus officinalis by HPLC

  4. 方法:用HPLC法测定不同炮制规格黄芩及其煎煮液中黄芩甙的含量。

    Method : The content of baicalin was determined by HPLC .

  5. HPLC法测定山绿茶不同炮制品种中绿原酸和芦丁的含量

    Content Determination of Chlorogenic Acid and Rutin in Different Processed Shanl ü cha by HPLC

  6. 蒙药炮制法对雄黄主要成分及As2O3含量的影响

    Effect of Mongolian medicine processing Methods on Main Constituents and As_2O_3 Content in Realgar

  7. 肉豆蔻饮片炮制前后挥发油成分的GC-MS分析

    Comparing analysis of components in volatile oils of nutmeg and prepared nutmeg by GC-MS

  8. HPLC法考察蒸法和常规炮制法对白芍中芍药苷含量的影响

    Study on Effect of Steaming Methed and Routine Processing Medicinal Herb Method on the Content Paeoniflorin in Radix Paeoniae Alba by HPLC

  9. RP-HPLC法测定不同方法炮制关木通中马兜铃酸A的含量

    RP-HPLC Determination of Content of Aristolochic Acid A in Different processing with Manchurian Dutchmanspipe Stem

  10. 目的:用HPLC和TLC法定性测定炮制前后的苏合香油,并用反相高效液相色谱法测定苏合香中肉桂酸的含量。

    To establish a method for the identification of storax and the determination of cassia acid in storax by HPLC .

  11. 每日野兽网(TheDailyBeast)发现Facebook雇佣了博雅公关公司(Burson-Marsteller)为其炮制谷歌(Google)的负面新闻。

    The Daily Beast discovered that Facebook hired public relations firm Burson-Marsteller to pitch anti-Google stories to publications .

  12. 但是,今天的快速测序机器能够在一周内处理那么多的DNA,并且忙于从一个不断扩展的物种列表中大量炮制着多倍序列。

    But today 's rapid sequencing machines can run through that much DNA in a week , and are busily churning out multiple sequences from an ever-expanding list of species .

  13. 方法:采用发射光谱法测定鲜品炮制的全蝎和市售全蝎药材的宏量元素Ca、Mg及微量元素Fe、Cu、Zn、Mn、Pb等7种元素的含量。

    METHODS : Macro-elements Ca , Mg and trace-elements Fe , Cu , Zn and Pb in crude scorpion were determined with emission spectrometric method .

  14. 正交多载波调制OFDM技术及其应用正交实验法改进广西莪术醋制炮制工艺的初探

    The technology and applications of the Orthogonal multi-carrier OFDM modulation Optimization of the Processing Technique of Rhizoma Curcumae from Guangxi by Orthogonal Design

  15. 采用HPLC法对不同软化方法、微泡时间、蒸制时间的玄参进行测定,考察了不同炮制工艺对玄参中哈巴俄苷和肉桂酸含量的影响。

    The influence of different processing methods to the content of harpagoside and cinnamic acid in Radix Crophalariae processed by different methods were determined by HPLC .

  16. 不同炮制工艺水蛭的水溶性蛋白组成的差异检测采用SDS-PAGE,定量分析采用ScionImage软件;

    The difference of the components of water-solubility proteins in leech between the two processing technology was qualitatively and quantitatively determined by SDS-PAGE and Scion Image software .

  17. ICP-MS研究中药炮制前后18种微量元素总量和溶出特性的变化

    Study on Content and Dissolution Feature changes of 18 Trace Elements in Crude and Processed Traditional Chinese Medicines by ICP-MS

  18. 何首乌炮制后化学成分的变化及中药中的Maillard反应

    Changes in Chemical Components of Root of Polygonum Multiflorum Thunb and How Maillard Reaction Involves during the Heating Process

  19. 结果巴戟天以蒸15min为最佳炮制工艺。

    Results The best processing technique is to braise for 15 min.

  20. 方法:以牛蒡子等中药不同炮制品的水浸出物含量、HPLC指纹图谱总峰面积为指标,对两种炮制方法进行比较研究。

    Methods : two process methods were studied by the contents of the aqueous extract and the total peak area of HPLC fingerprint chromatogram of the TCM like Arctium lappa that processed in different ways .

  21. 用pH值测定法控制炭药质量,通过测定山楂不同炮制工艺所得标准炭品的pH值和酸性物质含量,以及相关的药理实验,来验证改进工艺的可行性。

    Taking Fructus crataegi as an example , the capability of improving procedure can be proved by determining pH value and the content of acid substance in the standard carbonic herbs treated by different processing procedure and doing pharmacological experiments .

  22. 配位滴定法测定加重中药饮片硫酸镁的含量加热炮制对中药饮片黄曲霉毒素B1含量的影响

    Determination of magnesium sulfate in adulterated with magnesium sulfate Chinese herb pieces by complexometric titration Effects of heating processing method on AFB1 content in TCM cut crude drug

  23. 这就是品牌的力量,以至于毛去世几十年后,出版商还在炮制戏仿的杰西·文图拉(JesseVentura)和托尼·布莱尔(TonyBlair)语录。

    Such was the power of the brand that , decades after Mao 's death , publishers churned out " Quotations " parodies for Jesse Ventura and Tony Blair .

  24. 结果:1.确定盐炙巴戟天最佳炮制工艺,即100g巴戟天在2%盐溶液100mL闷润5h后蒸制1h,放凉,干燥。

    Sunburn Morinda determine the best salt processing technology , that is , 100 g officinalis 2 % salt solution in 100 mL after the steam moistening 5h 1h , cool and dry .

  25. 1.5阶微分阳极溶出伏安法测定补锌口服液中微量元素锌ICP-MS研究中药炮制前后18种微量元素总量和溶出特性的变化

    Study of Determination of Zinc (ⅱ) in Oral Liquid with Derivative Anodic Stripping Voltammetry ; Study on Content and Dissolution Feature changes of 18 Trace Elements in Crude and Processed Traditional Chinese Medicines by ICP-MS

  26. 如果这还不够复杂的话,那么最毒的金融产品中还有一些其实是合成式CDO,华尔街炮制出这类表现得像债券一样的CDO。

    If that isn 't complicated enough , some of the most toxic financial products were actually ' synthetic ' CDOs , in which Wall Street concocted securities that behaved like bonds .

  27. 但这些想法炮制得太快了,使他遭到工党领袖埃德米利班德(edmiliband)的批评米利班德称这些举措都是“膝跳反应”。

    But the speed with which all these ideas are being churned out exposes him to the claim , made by Ed Miliband , Labour leader , that these are " knee jerk " responses .

  28. 利用中药材附子炮制过程产生的大量废液中的生物碱进行害虫防治研究。用酸碱滴定法(药典法)测定附子浸渍液总生物碱含量,平均为0.0680mg/mL。

    Research on pest prevention is carried out using the alkaloid in the waste fluid while producing medicines with the aconite , and the total alkaloid content of the aconitic steep is 0.0680mg/ml in average measured with the Titration of Acid and Alkali ( Pharmacopoeia Method ) .

  29. 离子交换树脂在ECP-2工艺加工药液回收处理中的运用炮制工场〔中医药〕

    The Application of Ion Exchanger Resins in ECP-2 Solution Recycle processing workshop [ Chinese medicine ]

  30. 结果:温度240℃,时间15h,样品粒度5mm是烘制法炮制枯矾的最佳条件。

    The results showed that the optimum conditions for manufacturing the dried alum by the baking method were 2400 C in temperature , 1.5 hours in time and 5 mm in granularity .