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zào cì
  • rash;hasty;hurried;impetuous
造次 [zào cì]
  • (1) [hurried]∶慌忙;仓促

  • 造次必于是,颠沛必于是。--《论语.里仁》

  • 汉为人质厚少文,造次不能以辞自达。--《后汉书.吴汉传》

  • (2) [rash]∶粗鲁,轻率

  • 宝玉自知说得造次了,后悔不来。--《红楼梦》

  • 造次行事

造次[zào cì]
  1. 男人多久和女人造次人?

    How often do men make human beings of women ?

  2. 而俄国则仅要求它别造次,等着瞧。

    By Russia she was only asked to mark time , wait and see .

  3. 店员似乎想拦住他们,可是他的个头才到海格的腰部,所以没敢造次。

    The assistant looked as though he wanted to stop them from leaving , but he barely came up to Hagrid 's waist andseemed to think better of it .

  4. 有人说教官马上要来了,他也便不敢再造次,慢慢安静了下来。

    Then the others reminded him that the drill instructor would return shortly , and it was his fear of the drill instructor 's arrival that finally calmed him down .

  5. 幸运的是,我有爸爸这样的父亲,我相信正是因为这个,阿塞夫对我不敢太过放肆造次。

    It also occurred to me how lucky I was to have Baba as my father , the sole reason , I believe , Assef had mostly refrained from harassing me too much .