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hòu jì
  • Successors;carry on;succeed
后继 [hòu jì]
  • (1) [succeed]∶后面接着跟上来

  • 前赴后继

  • (2) [carry on]∶继续开展,进行下去

  • 后继有人

后继[hòu jì]
  1. 同时讨论了系统的hopf分支,并利用后继函数法讨论了周期解的稳定性。

    We also discuss Hopf bifurcation , and obtain stability of periodic solution with succeed function method .

  2. 该系统包括门户网站、招标准备、招标实施、招标后继、消息中心、系统管理等六部分。

    This system includes web network station , bid preparation , bid execution , bid succeed management , information center , system management etc.

  3. 有的学科后继乏人,面临断线的危险。

    Certain disciplines lack successors and are in danger of being discontinued .

  4. ApplicationServer的后继版本将通过提供所需的版本5的模板和运行时变更来开启该功能。

    A future release of Application Server will enable this function by supplying the required V5 templates and runtime changes .

  5. 目的是使客户可以开发能用ApplicationServer的后继发行版进行部署的应用程序。

    The intention is that customers can use them to develop applications for deployment with a subsequent release of Application Server .

  6. 多晶Cu在双向加载下的后继屈服与塑性流动分析

    Subsequent yield and plastic flow analysis of polycrystalline copper under biaxial loading

  7. 基于互关联后继树的XML索引技术

    XML Indexing Technology Based on IRST

  8. Y的模式,其中X为前提,Y作为后继。

    Y , there in to X as to precondition , Y as to subsequence .

  9. 该阶段可能会生成为企业架构工作的后继循环设置目标的架构工作请求(RequestforArchitectureWork)。

    The phase might produce a Request for Architecture Work that sets targets for a subsequent cycle of enterprise architecture efforts .

  10. 本文首先定义了XML数据模型和XML模式模型,为后继的研究打下了基础。

    First , the paper defines an XML model and an XML schema model . These will be the base of the latter research .

  11. 针对气候变化的《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)的后继协议,将以此份报告为基础。

    The report will form the basis for negotiations on a possible successor to the Kyoto Protocol on climate change .

  12. 如果激活的web服务方法未携带合适的事务元数据,则后继的web服务方法可能既不参与现有事务也不开始新事务。

    If the activating web service method does not carry the appropriate transaction metadata , subsequent web service methods can neither participate in an existing transaction nor begin a new transaction .

  13. 它可能是北朝鲜FROG系列非制导远程火箭的后继型号。

    It may be a North Korean successor to the FROG series of unguided artillery long-range rockets .

  14. 经鉴定,进一步证实所得到的PCR产物是正确人抗体基因片段,为后继的建立抗体库的工作打下了良好的基础。

    And the identification further confirmed that the obtained PCR products encode human antibody fragments . These results permit further work to construct antibody library .

  15. 每个信息服务器节点都要存储后继节点的Bloomfilter结构副本,以减少查询请求在网格中的传递时间。

    Each information server will store the Bloom Filter replicas of its successors in order to reduce the transmission time of the request in grid .

  16. 现在,使用各种访问bean模式被认为是一种艺术,我假设这个模式适用于所有的后继实例。

    Currently , using some variation of access beans pattern is considered state-of-the-art and I will assume this pattern for all follow-on examples .

  17. 后继的相关的TLS问题的研究往往均以此作为基础来进行。

    Later researches are always based on this sufficient condition .

  18. 后继处理采用炉渣吸附过滤技术脱氧为后续厌氧创造条件,并去除残留絮凝物进一步降低废水COD及色度;

    And the subsequent treatment is studied in order to deoxygenate the former effluent and reduce COD , chromaticity concentration by cinder absorption-filtration .

  19. DNA序列中基于后继数组索引的SATR查找算法

    SUA-Based Algorithm for Finding SATRs in DNA Sequence

  20. 刺参初始体重与其后继生长、摄食率和食物转化效率具有密切的正相关性(P0.05)。

    The final body weight , food intake and food conversion efficiency for each sea cucumber were generally positively correlated with their initial body weight ( P0.05 ) .

  21. 在2010年,我们开始开发一个后继平台,以利用IBM软件所提供的更优秀的功能,同时降低维护运营环境的成本。

    In 2010 , we began developing a successor platform to leverage the greater capabilities provided by IBM software , along with lowering the cost of maintaining the operational environment .

  22. Agent在学习过程中对其它Agent的行为进行观察与统计,可学习其它Agent的策略并获知该策略对环境的影响,确定其报酬函数和状态后继函数。

    During the learning process , the agent could learn the other agents ' policy and acquire the environment influence to establish its reward and state subsequence function through the behavior observation and statistic of other agents .

  23. 目的:分析十二指肠钩虫成虫及第三期幼虫(L3)的可溶性抗原的蛋白组分,并鉴定后者的特异性组分,为钩虫病免疫学的后继研究提供资料。

    To analyze the protein components of the antigens of A. duodenale adult and L3 worms .

  24. 我们用来寻找相邻点之间的差异的技巧是,创建一个数据帧,它的列是给定连续数据点,分别是先前数据点(prior)、当前数据点(current)、后继数据点(following)。

    The trick we will use to find all the differences among neighboring data points is to create a data frame whose columns in a given row correspond to the prior , current , and following data point .

  25. 在后继的迭代中,计划将确定出SOA治理在哪些领域可以有所提高,或者确定出SOA治理实现时所处的新领域,同时这些变更将应用于治理计划。

    In subsequent iterations , planning will identify areas where SOA governance can be improved or new areas where it should be implemented , while applying these changes to the governance plan .

  26. 然后本文进一步讨论了该模型与pat数组结构的关系,从而进一步奠定了互关联后继树体系在信息检索方面的理论基础。

    Then it further investigates the relationship between DOST and PAT array to make out the theory basis and abilities of the IRST family .

  27. 鉴于如今iPhone滞销、平板电脑市场后继乏力,苹果AppStore引入广告的举措旨在增加其服务收入。

    The move comes with Apple seeking to boost its revenue from services amid what appears to be a plateauing of sales of iPhones and a slowdown in the tablet market .

  28. 对这个服务的后继调用可以获得密码认证的安全性,而实际上不一定会导致数据库连接或公司LDAP目录查找的开销。

    Subsequent calls to the service get the security of password authentication without actually having to incur the overhead of a database connection or corporate LDAP directory lookup .

  29. 然后由后继的工具生成最终的Tprof报告。

    The post tool is then used to produce the final Tprof report .

  30. 对于胆总管完全横断者,行ERBD后继以外科手术。

    ERBD and operations were managed for those with complete biliary severance .