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  1. 对其他马都是在作坊的工作被替代后救下来的可以骑十分温顺

    yep the other horse rescues do the wonderful work of taking in rideable and placeable

  2. 他溺水后被救了上来。

    He was saved from drowning .

  3. 房子着火后,救火车很快就来了。

    Fire engines came on the double when the house was on fire .

  4. 你被枪击后我救过你的命不是吗

    I saved your life when you got shot . Didn 't I ?

  5. 我离婚后她救了我一命

    Saved me right after my divorce .

  6. 洛宾打算等其它兄弟走后回去救约瑟夫出来。

    Reuben was planning to return and pull Joseph out of the pit after the other brothers went away .

  7. 肯因兹邮报周五报道:澳洲一个九岁的小女孩,在父亲在泳池撞击昏迷后,救了自己父亲的命。

    A NINE-year-old Australian girl saved her father 's life after he was knocked unconscious in a pool , The Cairns Post reported Friday .

  8. 自救与互救&严重地震灾害后扒救灾民方式警察告诫人们在圣诞拥挤期间要谨防扒手。

    Saving oneself and saving each other ; The police warned people to be on guard against / for pickpockets during the Christmas rush .

  9. 这场风暴潮灾害和灾后赈救,也暴露了青岛在灾害预防方面薄弱和灾后赈救的一些不足,为后世以借鉴。

    This storm tide disaster and post-disaster relief exposed the weakness of Qingdao in disaster prevention and some of the deficiencies in relief , which can be used for the reference of late-comers .

  10. 后面的帐篷里有一只受伤后被救回的小藏羚,可爱的小家伙,最爱啃人的裤脚,还有点欺生。

    There was a little chirus rescued in the tent behind the house . Such a lovely sweetie , so fond of gnawing our trouser legs as if knowing that we were strangers .

  11. 在电影《我,机器人》的开头,一个机器人不得不在两辆汽车沉入水中后决定去救谁——是救戴尔·斯普纳还是一个孩子。

    In the beginning of the movie l , Robot , a robot has to decide whom to save after two cars plunge into the water-Del Spooner or a child .

  12. 辛巴逃脱土狼的追杀后,谁救了他并照顾他?

    Who saved and took care of Simba after he escaped from the hyenas ?

  13. 30年后,资本主义救了中国。

    Thirty years later , capitalism saved China .

  14. 贝拉被她的母亲Darcy遗弃了,她是在出生后没多久被救醒的。

    She was rejected by her mother Darcy andhad to be resuscitated soon after she was delivered .

  15. 起火后不久两辆救火车就赶到了。

    Two fire engines arrived shortly after the fire blazed up .

  16. 她三年后回来去见救她的人。

    She 's been coming back for3 years to meet the man who saved her .

  17. 马可被抓后,我们想救他出来,但太冒险了。

    We tried to spring Marko out after he got caught , but it was too risky .

  18. 被降权后也不是没救,要稳定自己的心态,不要失去信心。

    Be reduced right after is not yet save , should be stable their own state of mind , don 't lose faith .