
kǔ jìnɡ
  • hell;hard and difficult circumstances;morass;miserable plight;plight
苦境 [kǔ jìng]
  • [plight] 指非常艰难的环境

  • 不能忘记生活在赤贫线上下的民众的苦境

  1. 去年,柯林斯写了一首动人的抒情歌曲,突出描绘了无家可归者的苦境。

    Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless

  2. rejoicev.(使)高兴plightn.困境;苦境housewaresn.家用器皿我们现在庆祝的3.8妇女节,可以追溯到1909年2月28日,是在美国诞生这个节日的。

    The international Women 's movement that we celebrate today on 8th of March every year dates back to 28th February 1909 when the first National Woman 's day was observed in United States .

  3. 我认为她同情他们的苦境。

    I think that she is in sympathy with their plight .

  4. 饥民的苦境值得大家同情。

    The plight of the famine victims commands everyone 's sympathy .

  5. 饥民的苦境糟得不敢去想。

    The plight of starving people is too awful to think about .

  6. 因为有了银行的贷款,公司终于走出了苦境。

    With the loan from the bank , the company landed on its feet .

  7. 使突出;强调;使注意去年,柯林斯写了一首动人的抒情歌曲,突出描绘了无家可归者的苦境。

    Last year Collins wrote a moving ballad which highlighted the plight of the homeless .

  8. 但是她会看出他的苦境而深深为他心痛吗?

    But would she see through the bars of his plight and ache for him ?

  9. 她回忆起她的苦境。

    She reflected on her bad situation .

  10. 然而,对于精神伤残者的苦境所持的冷漠并非是我所看到的全部画面。

    Yet this indifference to the plight of the mentally incapacitated is not the whole picture .

  11. 自然当前时,奔腾的喜悦传便他全身,尽管可能他正身处现实的苦境。

    In the presence of nature , a wild delight runs through the man , in spite of real sorrows .

  12. 一些人迅速而简单地搞定工作面试,而其他人则长期陷入不能引起潜在雇主一点点兴趣的苦境。

    Some people land job interviews quickly and easily , while others struggle through protracted searches with barely a nibbleof interest from prospective employers .

  13. 但是我们却被置于爆胎,18个小时长途旅行后的疲惫,没有签证的非法入境的苦境之中。

    But there we were stranded with a flat tire , exhausted after eighteen hours of travelling and illegally entering the country with no visas .

  14. 正确引导传统孝道,则能够派生出许多健康的社会规则,促进社会稳定和谐,然而在当代社会特别是农村,孝道逐渐淡漠,以致许多农村老人面临生活心理苦境。

    The correct guidance of traditional filial piety can be derived many of the health of the rules of society and promote social harmony and stability .

  15. 通过夜宿驿舍的环境描写,真实地表达了作者谪徙羁旅的苦境和凄凉寂寞的心情。

    It truthfully reveals the poet 's blight for his banishing trip with his forlorn and lonely feeling by capturing the atmosphere of a courier-stop on a cold night .

  16. 约伯为他的朋友祈祷。耶和华就使约伯从苦境(原文作掳掠)转回,并且耶和华赐给他的,比他从前所有的加倍。

    And the LORD turned the captivity of Job , when he prayed for his friends : also the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before .

  17. 如果这是一种可选择的生活的话,我们中有谁会把自己拖入那种众叛亲离,备受折磨的痛苦境地中呢?

    And if it was a choice , do you think that every one of us would want to put ourselves through the torture of having your families disown you ?