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  1. 自立自主自强守正务实创新拓展内涵彰显特色提升品质&高职高专院校改革与发展的思考与实践

    Theory and practice in reform and development at vocational colleges

  2. 安身而守正:论潘尼人生道路与人格精神

    On the Life and Personality of Pan Ni

  3. 作为一代有影响的人物,周弘正在思想性格上呈现多个侧面&他抗直守正又寻求乱世自保,举止放达又勤勉上进,身居高位又向往山林。

    As an influential figure , Zhou Hong was thinking character for presenting a plurality of straight side-he is defensive and seeking behavior with captive , release and diligence , and longing for the mountains high .

  4. 如今,随着创业公司纷纷闯入他们以前从未进入的领域,守成型企业正面临着一种日益严峻的挑战&我将其称为短暂优势经济。

    Established companies now have to cope with the increasing pace of what I call the transient advantage economy , with startups barging into spaces they could never enter before .