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cái lüè
  • ability and sagacity
才略 [cái lüè]
  • [ability and sagacity] 才干和智谋

才略[cái lüè]
  1. 他在军事上的才略深受大家敬仰。

    He was deeply revered for his ability and sagacity in military affairs .

  2. 将矫饰作为一种斗争武器,反映了他在复杂政治斗争中的机敏和才略。

    His taking pretence as a means of arms in the struggle shows his alertness and resourcefulness , his ability and sagacity in complicated political struggles .

  3. 齐景公和晏子探讨治国才略。

    Duke Jing of the state of Qi discussed the general plans to govern the country with Yan Zi .

  4. 而losartan则对酶活力的影响不明显,仅是在12h后,ACE活力才略有升高。

    Losartan had no effect on ACE activity , only a little increase of enzyme activity appeared at 12 hours .

  5. 直到扶梯载着我们下行了一段,她才略微放松下来。

    She relaxed slightly as the stairs moved us downward .

  6. 他从他先前就任的城市带来了不少有才略的。

    He brings with him some talented people from his former city .

  7. 任何智慧、才略或计谋,都不能与上主相对抗。

    There is no wisdom , there is no prudence , there is no counsel against the Lord .

  8. 当多数大型经济体要么仍身陷衰退之中,要么才略有复苏之际,中国已在火速前进。

    While most big economies are either still mired in recession or showing modest recoveries , China is firing ahead .

  9. 就他的才略有助于国内改革的前景以及对外关系的缓和程度而言,他是值得受西方欢迎的。

    To the extent that his resourcefulness enhances the prospect for perestroika at home and moderation abroad , it deserves a welcome in the west .

  10. 燃料电池发明于1839年,但直到20世纪50年代才略有起色,因为当时美国宇航局在太空里启用燃料电池,直到今天也依然沿用着这种用途。

    The fuel cell was invented in 1839 , but there was little development until the 1950s when NASA started to use them in space where they are still used today .

  11. 除了互联网和自助亭检票外,短信检票已成为第三条自助服务通道,受欢迎程度也可以与另外两者相媲美。只是在商业旅行减少的时候,这项服务的使用量才略有下降。

    The system has become the third self-service channel , along with internet and kiosk check-in , and is now comparable in popularity , with usage falling only when there is less business travelling .

  12. 布什总统今天在座也令我深感荣幸,在我看来,他一直是美国治国才略的最佳典范,也是美国能给予世界的佼佼者。

    I am also deeply honored to be here with President Bush who has always embodied for me the very best in American statesmanship , and the very best that America has to offer the world .

  13. 李白对南齐著名诗人谢朓很是敬仰。他在军事上的才略深受大家敬仰。

    Li Bai had a great respect and admiration for the poet Xie Tiao who lived more than 200 years before him in the sixth century . He was deeply revered for his ability and sagacity in military affairs .