
  1. 当我在康涅狄格州一个YMCA夏令营做指导时我们给参加者来了一场才艺展示演出

    While working as a counselor at a YMCA camp in Connecticut we put on a talent show for the campers .

  2. 作品体裁不限,包括纪录片、家庭录像片、剧情片、改编作品、MV、幽默短片、风光片、新闻片、个性才艺展示片等。

    The styles are not limited and can include documentary , family video recording , scenario , reorganization works , MV , humor short , scenery , news and skill showing films , etc.

  3. 等等,我的才艺展示不是今天吗?

    Hey , wait . Isn 't my talent show today ?

  4. 我们才艺展示还需要几位演员。

    We need actors for the talent show .

  5. 比赛中,选手们对汉语语言技能掌握熟练,中国文化才艺展示更是精彩。

    All the students mastered skills of Chinese language and showed their remarkable talents on the culture .

  6. 我第一次参加小王子选美时都不知道该选哪个做才艺展示。

    It was hard for me to pick just one to showcase at my first little prince pageant .

  7. 亲密的交谈变成了才艺展示,成为在不超过140字符内证明自己智力才能的挑战。

    The intimate conversation became a talent show , a challenge to prove your intellectual prowess in140 characters or less .

  8. 不一定。不过你为什么要把这些课外活动跟她的才艺展示安排在同一天呢?

    Debatable , but why would you schedule all this extra stuff on the same day as her talent show ?

  9. 好。你是在批评我给我们的音盲女儿安排过满,导致她累得错过了才艺展示,而没有丢人现眼吗?

    Okay , are you accusing me of overscheduling our tone-deaf daughter so she 's so tired she misses the talent show and doesn 't humiliate herself ?

  10. 一起来打破成见中央民族大学(简称民大)鼓励不同民族背景的学生通过才艺展示等方式互相学习、互相了解。但在其他大学,情况可能会有所不同。

    Universities like MUC try to encourage students from different ethnic backgrounds to learn from each other and get to know each other , often through talent showcases .

  11. 因为老师难得展歌喉,再说学生是爱老师的,他们听到老师才艺展示,也会非常高兴。

    Because the teachers show a rare voice , to say the students love the teachers , they hear the teacher talent show , will be very happy .

  12. 她不需要进行才艺展示或者表现自信,因为她还不能走路或说话。

    She didn ` t have to do a talent or show confidence because she can ` t walk or talk so I think it was judged on cuteness .

  13. 在海选的才艺展示部分我表演了一段组合舞蹈,包含爵士、踢踏舞、交际舞、斗牛和少林功夫等元素。

    For the talent portion of the audition , I did a comprehensive dance combination including elements of jazz dance , tap dance , ballroom , ballet , and Shaolin Kung Fu .

  14. 马云这种无忧无虑的天性帮助创造了阿里巴巴独特的文化和欢乐的气氛。公司给员工们发放彩条喷罐、鼓励他们在休息期间做倒立来增加活力,还有参与一年一度的才艺展示。马云会在演出中唱流行歌曲。

    His lighthearted nature has helped create a unique culture and fun atmosphere at Alibaba where employees are given cans of Silly String , encouraged to do handstands to bolster their energy during breaks , and participate in an annual talent show where Mr. Ma sings pop songs .