
cái gàn
  • talent;ability;competence;capability
才干 [cái gàn]
  • [talent;ability;competence] 才能;办事的能力

  • 增长才干

才干[cái gàn]
  1. 这些成果进一步证明了他的杰出才干。

    These results are a further proof of his outstanding ability .

  2. 这人很有才干。

    He is a man of great ability .

  3. 他处理那场危机,因表现出政治家的才干而受到称赞。

    He was commended for his statesmanlike handling of the crisis .

  4. 他的才干在那家公司未受到充分赏识。

    His talents are not fully appreciated in that company .

  5. 他才干卓著。

    He was a man of extraordinary abilities .

  6. 他作为一位睿智、具备政治家才干的州长而广受尊崇。

    He was widely respected as a wise and statesmanlike governor

  7. 他的才干得不到充分施展,因此他不满意自己的工作。

    He was underemployed and not satisfied with his work .

  8. 有一段时间我凌晨两点才干完活儿。

    There have been days when I have finished work at 2pm .

  9. 她拥有一切:美貌、才干和子女。

    She has everything : beauty , talent , children

  10. 弗兰克·斯普里格斯是一个很有才干的人,但是有些让人捉摸不透。

    Frank Spriggs was a very able man but something of a closed book

  11. 他没有什么能力,缺乏管理才干。

    He was inept and lacked the intelligence to govern

  12. 在我们的文化中,我们往往羞于谈论自己的才干和技能。

    In our culture we tend to be bashful about our talents and skills .

  13. 她挥舞着双手说,“只有你才干得出来,不是吗?”

    She threw her hands into the air . ' That is just typical of you , isn 't it ? '

  14. 在当今这个世界,重要的不是你知道什么而是你认识谁,能力才干根本派不上用场。

    It 's a case of not what you know but who you know in this world today and qualifications quite go by the board .

  15. 他由于疏忽才干了这事。

    He did it through ( an ) oversight .

  16. 这位年轻的外科医生具有不寻常的才干。

    The young surgeon showed exceptional competence .

  17. 我们没有充分发挥他的才干。

    We 're not doing justice to his talents .

  18. 这件事充分显示了他的才干。

    This fully shows his ability .

  19. 他的野心大于他的才干。

    His ambition outruns his ability .

  20. 她是一位有才干的领导。

    She is an able leader .

  21. 才干和努力是成功的条件。

    Ability and effort condition success .

  22. 希望在她的新岗位上她的才干能够比以往得到更好的发挥。

    It is to be hoped that in her new job her talents will be better utilized than before .

  23. 没有人知道狄更斯是有着怎样的才干、雄心、精力和运气,才成为了如此杰出的作家。

    No one will ever know what mix of talent , ambition , energy and luck made Dickens such a distinguished writer .

  24. 要成为一个神憎鬼厌的人物,要有非同小可的才干

    It requites no small talents to be a decided bore .

  25. 当年,他是一位很有才干的实业家。

    He was a very able businessman in his day .

  26. yeah,我不是为了钱才干的。

    Yeah , I don 't do it for profits .

  27. Reynolds如果你有大才干,勤奋将会提高你的才干;

    If you have great talents , industry will help improve them ;

  28. HorsesforCourses意思是挑选有匹配才干的合适人选做特定的活动十分重要

    Horses for Courses something you say to mean that it is important to choose the right people with the suitable skills to do a chosen activity

  29. Facebook并没有让特定的个人担任领导职位,而是根据具体情况和员工个人的才干,由不同的员工挺身而出,担当领导角色。

    Instead of specific individuals holding leadership positions , different people step forward to lead , depending on the situation and their individual talents .

  30. 我们需要有才干,有目标和在Perl,PHP有工作经验的软件工程师,网页开发者。

    We 're looking for talented , motivated software engineer , web developers with experience in Perl and PHP to come on and lead special projects .