
yóu mù mín
  • nomad
  1. 游牧民是一个到处流浪、居无定所的部落的成员。

    A nomad is the member of a trible that wanders from place to place .

  2. 员工的这种形象——像游牧民那样带着自己的谋生工具四处游荡——似乎十分现代,但一点也不新鲜。

    Yet this vision of the worker , a nomad who wanders around clutching the tools of his trade , which seems so very modern , is not at all new .

  3. 她在北美游牧民中生活了十年。

    For ten years she dwelled among the nomads of North America .

  4. 这是GiltArshell,古人们曾光顾过这个水池,这里像是游牧民和他们骆驼的中央车站。

    This is Gilt Arshell , a water pool visited by the ancients and a kind of grand central station for nomads and their camels .

  5. 游牧民从不在一个地方长期安家。

    Nomads never keep their homes in one place very long .

  6. 新疆游牧民定居政策的演变

    The Evolution of the Policies for the Settlement of Xinjiang Nomadic Pastoralists

  7. 偶尔停下与当地的传统游牧民聊聊家常。

    Stop and talk with people who live a traditional nomadic lifestyle .

  8. 几世纪以来,游牧民和贸易商都来到了这里。

    For centuries , nomads and traders have made their way here .

  9. 草原上飞扬的尘土说明游牧民正在迁徙。

    Clouds of dust rising from the steppes signal nomads on the move .

  10. 城镇居民轻视和诈骗游牧民。

    The townsmen despise and cheat the nomads .

  11. 气候干燥,水草稀少,游牧民重新动荡起来。

    The weather grew drier and the grass became scanty and the nomads stirred afresh .

  12. 影片的开头,主人公的飞机坠毁,他被阿拉伯游牧民所救。

    As the film opens , he has an air crash and is saved by Arab nomads .

  13. 问:你也从游牧民的角度讲述了这个故事。

    Q. You make a point of telling the nomads " side of the story , too .

  14. 突厥那时是“游牧民”,另一方面,中国人是定居的文化。

    Turks were living as " Nomads ", on the other hand Chinese people enjoyed a settled civilization .

  15. 凶猛的大狗伴随着游牧民的游牧生活,为他们驱赶家畜,在他们的露营地当警卫。

    Large savage dogs accompanied the nomads on their wanderings , driving their domesticated animals and guarding their encampments .

  16. 他们像游牧民,但是更适合生活在沙漠中并更多地访问城镇。

    They are like Nomads , but much more accomodated to live in deserts and visit towns more often .

  17. 有一天晚上,一群游牧民正要睡去的时候,忽然被一圈耀眼的光芒所包围。

    One night a group of nomads were going to sleep when suddenly they were surrounded by a great light .

  18. 阿拉伯游牧民每次横穿炎热干燥的沙漠,都是一次冒险。

    Every time the Arab nomads set out across the hot , sandy desert , it is a new adventure .

  19. 在秦朝和唐朝的时候,保安曾是抵御北游牧民入侵的边防要塞。

    Pao an was once a frontier stronghold , during the chin and Tang dynasties , against the nomadic invaders to the north .

  20. 潘基文说,降水量的减少意味着这里没有足够的食物和水用于维持定居的农民和游牧民的生活。

    The lack of rainfall has meant there is no longer enough food and water to sustain both settled farmers and nomadic herders .

  21. 游牧民融合在定居者之中了;定居地;我没有完全定居在此的感觉;定居文明的出现。

    Nomads * absorbed among the settled people ; settled areas ; I don 't feel entirely settled here ; the advent of settled civilization .

  22. 报告指出,草场和水源的状况一般,让索马里游牧民得以随牲畜正常迁移到牲畜能有足够草料的地方。

    The report notes average pasture and water conditions , allowing Somalis practicing a pastoral livelihood to follow normal livestock migrations where herds can adequately graze .

  23. 他们属于半游牧民,主要工作是放羊,带着羊群在有限的区域内从一个牧场到另一个牧场。

    They are a semi-nomadic people who work mainly as shepherds , moving with their flocks from pasture to pasture within a small , limited area .

  24. 价格下跌给哈萨克族游牧民造成巨大打击,这些游牧家庭数十年来一直在饲养中国最知名的羊。

    The price drop has come as a big blow to the nomadic Kazakh herders whose families have for decades produced the most famous sheep in China .

  25. 本文拟以新疆哈萨克草原上的游牧民为例,探讨一个族群吃的文化中深层潜在的象征内涵。

    Taking the case of nomads of Xinjing Kazakgrassland , this article intends to study the deep symbolic meanings inherent in the dietary culture of the ethnic group .

  26. 蒙古游牧民饲养几种家畜,这既与家畜食物链存在必然联系,又有很多我们意想不到的益处。

    The Mongolia herdsmen breed several kinds of livestock , which not only have necessary connection with the livestock food chain , but also have much more unimaginable benefit .

  27. 与这些西非荒漠上的游牧民共同生活了一年多以后,贝克维斯赢得了她们的信任并获取了关于他们生活的格外详细的记录。

    Living for more than a year with these nomads of Africa 's Sahel region , Beckwith earned their trust and captured an extraordinarily intimate chronicle of their lives .

  28. 19世纪后期在西伯利亚这种习惯几乎消失了,当那些殖民的俄罗斯人带来了土豆和洋葱在当地种植,而且强制那些游牧民定居下来。

    In Siberia the practice mostly died out in the late19th century , when colonizing Russians brought potato and onion farming to the region and forced many nomadic groups to settle .

  29. 现在,除了部分牧区的游牧民之外,所有的家庭都有固定住房。基于退牧还草模式的农牧户家庭经营实证研究&以祁连山地为例

    Currently , except for the pastoral areas , all households have fixed housing . Investigation of Herdsman Family Management Based on the Model of Returning Farmland to Grassland & Taking Qilian Mountains Region as an Example

  30. 中国喀纳斯湖——在这个偏远的高山公园,两名摄影爱好者站在一座小山上,俯瞰着波光粼粼的河流,等着游牧民走出他们白色的圆顶帐篷,赶着牛群过桥。

    KANAS LAKE , China - The two amateur photographers stood on a hill overlooking the sparkling river in this remote alpine park , waiting for nomads to emerge from their white yurts and herd cows across a bridge .