
  • 网络Game Controller;Gamepad;game pad
  1. 基于VB平台的游戏控制器端口数据通信

    To Achieve Communications of the Game Controller Based on VB

  2. (实际上,PS4的控制器很快就成为了迄今为止我最喜欢的游戏控制器。)

    ( in fact , the PS4 controller is quickly becoming my favorite game controller to date . )

  3. 利用投影在桌面上的游戏控制器,两名玩家可以通过两部相连的iPad玩足球游戏。

    Game controllers project out onto the surface of the table , while two players play a football game with the help of the two combined iPads .

  4. 很快你就可以让游戏控制器与你的iPhone相连,鉴于苹果公司的应用软件商店APPStore颇受游戏开发商欢迎,专门购买一个游戏设备的主要理由将不复存在。

    Soon you will be able to connect game controllers to your iPhone that given the popularity of Apple 's App Store with game developers will undercut the main reason to buy a dedicated games device .

  5. 很快你就可以让游戏控制器与你的iPhone相连,鉴于苹果公司的应用软件商店AppStore颇受游戏开发商欢迎,专门购买一个游戏设备的主要理由将不复存在。

    Soon you will be able to connect game controllers to your iPhone that -- given the popularity of Apple 's App Store with game developers -- will undercut the main reason to buy a dedicated games device .

  6. 任天堂总裁岩田聪(SatoruIwata)交给他一个被称为“魔杖”的游戏控制器,然后引导他的手抛出虚拟的钓鱼线。

    Satoru Iwata , Nintendo 's president , handed him a games controller called a wand and guided his hand to cast a virtual fishing line .

  7. 配置游戏控制器并对某些游戏启用两种通讯方式。

    Configures game controllers and enables two-way communication on certain games .

  8. 使用该应用程序来设置和测试游戏控制器。

    Use this application to configure and test game controllers .

  9. 选择您要配置或测试的游戏控制器。

    Select the game controller that you want to configure or test .

  10. 您的计算机没有游戏控制器端口。

    Your computer does not have a game controller port .

  11. 使用该向导校准游戏控制器的轴。

    Use this wizard to calibrate the axes of your game controller .

  12. 添加、删除或更改游戏控制器的设置

    Adds , removes , or changes settings for game controllers

  13. 快把你的书放下,拿起游戏控制器。

    Put that book down and pick up the controller .

  14. 在我们设计出游戏控制器前,我们人类已经拥有了羊关节制作的骰子。

    Before we had awesome game controllers , we had sheep 's knuckles .

  15. 这些设置帮助您配置安装在计算机上的游戏控制器。

    These settings help you configure the game controllers installed on your computer .

  16. 要校准游戏控制器,请单击校准。

    To calibrate your game controller , click Calibrate .

  17. 便于我拿起游戏控制器。

    So that I can pick up a controller .

  18. 要添加游戏控制器,请在下面选择要添加的控制器,然后单击“确定”。

    To add a game controller , select the controller below and click ok .

  19. 阐述了用VC++进行程序开发游戏控制器编程控制的经验。

    This paper presents the experience to develop game controller programming with VC + + .

  20. 添加、删除或配置游戏控制器硬件,如游戏杆和游戏板。

    Add , remove , and configure game controller hardware such as joysticks and gamepads .

  21. 在我们设计出游戏控制器前

    Before we had awesome game controllers ,

  22. 如果您的游戏控制器需要特定的端口驱动程序,请从下表中选择一个。

    If your game controller port requires a specific port driver , select it from the list below .

  23. 这些仪器在医疗器械和游戏控制器中很普遍,价格从150美元到800美元不等。

    They have become commonplace both as medical devices but also as game controllers , ranging in price from $ 150 to $ 800 .

  24. 现年26岁的穆尼奥斯在5年前使用游戏控制器和一个在网上购买的组件改装玩具。

    Munoz , now 26 , used a game controller and a component he bought online to modify the toy , five years ago .

  25. 这台由电脑游戏控制器远程操纵的机器人潜入水中并优雅地来回游动,凭借装备的高清摄像机探索水池底部。

    Remotely guided by a computer game controller , the robot dives and gracefully swims back and forth exploring the tank 's bottom with its high-definition video cameras .

  26. 本文研究的是基于短距离无线通信的3D游戏手柄控制器设计。

    This paper is based on the 3D games short-range wireless communication game paddle controller design .

  27. 请在下面列表中选择游戏端口控制器并单击确定。

    Select a gameport controller from the list below and click OK .

  28. 如果上面列表中没有游戏端口控制器,请单击自定义。

    If your gameport controller does not appear in the list above , click Custom .

  29. 当你的孩子上床睡觉时,利用你的晚睡时间尽快习惯游戏及控制器。

    When your child is safely tucked up in bed , take advantage of your later bedtime by getting used to the game and the controller .

  30. 微软也在推进语音识别功能,欲让其游戏机和kinect控制器在家庭娱乐中发挥广泛作用。

    Microsoft is also promoting voice recognition as it positions its game consoles and companion Kinect controller for a broad role in home entertainment .