
zhí xínɡ dān yuán
  • execution unit
  1. 提出了龙腾S1中微处理器核的浮点执行单元的总体结构,并基于该结构确定了HPCORDIC算法实现三角类超越函数的详细流程。

    Present the architecture of floating-point execution unit , and establish the detailed implementation flow of trigonometric function using HP CORDIC .

  2. 其次,SEDAETL不再以一个完整的ETL业务流程做为基本执行单元,取而代之的是SEDA中的阶段。

    Second , SEDA ETL uses stage as basic execution unit instead of whole ETL process .

  3. 要从View模式到Edit模式对导航执行单元测试,遵循前面列出的步骤。

    To unit test the navigation from View mode to Edit mode , follow the steps defined earlier .

  4. 这部分主要由脑电放大和采集器、DSP模块和执行单元组成。

    It consists of EEG signal amplifier , data acquisition , DSP module and executive unit .

  5. 本文设计了子文件划分算法,把一个XML文件划分为多个子任务分配给并行硬件执行单元进行并行解析。

    A sub-XML document partition algorithm is presented which can divide a XML document into several sub documents and each sub document will be parsed in parallel .

  6. 要对SOA环境应用这种敏捷开发实践,您需要能够作为定期计划的集成构建的一部分执行单元测试。

    Applying this Agile development practice to SOA environments requires the ability to execute unit tests as part of your regularly scheduled integration build .

  7. 结果来说,您可以定制RationalCodeCoverage特性以向组成性(换句话说,就是块覆盖率)可执行单元层次报告统计数据。

    Consequently , you can customize the Rational Code Coverage feature to report statistics down to the executable unit level of granularity ( in other words , block coverage ) .

  8. 例如,divide指南并没有认为是一个可执行单元的结尾,尽管有例外情况的存在。

    For example , the divide instruction is not considered to be the end of an executable unit despite the fact that it can throw an exception .

  9. 铁路车站信号全电子计算机联锁执行单元PLC在EMIS车站信号微机联锁控制系统中的应用

    Realization of Multi-mouse Control in MMl-layer of Computer Based Interlocking System The Application of PLC in EMIS Microcomputer Railway Signal Interlocking System

  10. 水下智能机器人(Autonomousunderwatervehicle-AUV)在进行海下作业时,水下智能机械手(AutonomousUnderwaterManipulator-AUM)是其必不可少的执行单元。

    When an AUV ( the abbreviation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle ) executes the tasks in the sea , the Autonomous Underwater Manipulator ( AUM ) is its absolutely necessary performance unit .

  11. 这个框架延伸了标准的JUnit,从而使它能够在应用服务器容器中执行单元测试。

    This framework extends the standard JUnit so that it can execute unit tests in an application server container .

  12. 在执行单元测试之前调用setUp方法,在测试执行完时调用tearDown。

    The setUp method is called before execution of a unit test , and tearDown is called when the test is executed .

  13. 从运行时角度来看,在创建执行单元且可执行单元使用更多内存时,加载规则集需要更多CPU周转。

    From a runtime point of view , more CPU cycles are needed to load the rulesets when an execution unit is created and more memory is consumed by the executable units .

  14. 该文介绍了以PLC为控制单元,气缸为执行单元的控制系统,在灯泡生产设备老练机中的应用,并给出了系统的组成、硬件的配置及具体的实现方法。

    This paper introduces the control system which consists of PLC and the cylinder and its application in the aging machine . The system constitute , hardware disposal and realization method are also presented in detail .

  15. 在以上关键技术研究的基础上,本文还研究了VIM体系结构下向量协处理器的实现技术,包括标量指令集的扩展方式,多端口寄存器文件的实现,向量执行单元的流水线设计等。

    This thesis also focused on implementation technology of vector microprocessor based on VIM architecture , including KD-VIM-1 ISA defination , multiported register file and vector execution pipeline etc.

  16. 程序员们一般都主要依靠xUnit家族的测试框架来组织和执行单元测试。

    Traditionally , programmers have mainly relied on the xUnit family of testing frameworks to organize and execute unit tests .

  17. 该设计采用Top-down设计方法,含三个流水执行单元,指令动态调度,实现非阻塞高速缓存non-blocking-caches机制。

    According to the proposed design , three pipelined execution units are configured by top-down methodology . Instruction dynamic scheduling and non-blocking-caches mechanism are also implemented .

  18. 执行单元(XUs):当使用单一规则集解决方案时,每个XU会消耗大量资源,即使它们可能仅用于小型决策服务,比如定价服务。

    Execution units ( XUs ): When using the single ruleset solution , each XU will consume significant resources , even though they may be used for small decision services such as pricing .

  19. 基于IEC61850标准设计的新型数字保护平台将过程层合并单元、智能执行单元和间隔层设备映射到具体的板卡上。

    A digital protection platform is designed according to IEC 61850 , in which the merging unit , smart actuator and bay-level devices are mapped to actual circuit boards .

  20. 依据对交易的传统定义,一个JDO交易示例就是执行单元操作的载体,执行的基础是持久性存储系统(或者数据库)。

    A JDO Transaction instance is the vehicle for carrying out a unit of work , according to the conventional definition of a transaction , against a persistence storage system ( or database ) .

  21. 对指定的工作产品进行验证。如:执行单元测试、成测试、统测试等。FEU浮点执行单元。与支持SIMDFP指令的现有规模指令一起执行浮点相关的计算。

    SP3.1 Perform verification on the selected work products . FEU Floating point Execution Unit . This performs floating point related calculations for both existing scalar instructions along with support for some of the new SIMD-FP instructions .

  22. 单个线程将通过这些执行单元中的其中一个来执行。

    A single thread executes through either of these execution units .

  23. 高速缓存是最靠近处理器执行单元的存储器,它比主存储器容量小得多,也快得多。

    Caches are the memory closest to the processor execution unit .

  24. 这使您可以对这些内部类型执行单元测试。

    This lets you perform unit tests on those internal types .

  25. 超声波电机是一种新型的运动控制执行单元。

    Ultrasonic motor is a new kind of actuator for motion control .

  26. 一般而言,可以通过一个测试装置执行单元测试。

    In general , unit testing can be performed via a testing harness .

  27. 在执行单元测试之前,通常要执行一些定制的初始化。

    It is typical to do some custom initialization work before executing a unit test .

  28. 对补偿执行单元子系统、智能节点子系统、上位机子系统三部分进行了功能分析。

    The functions of compensation unit , intelligent node , host computer , are presented .

  29. 步进电机作为一个驱动执行单元,广泛地使用于工业领域和民用领域。

    Stepping motor is used widely in industry and household field as driving executive unit .

  30. 此活动也包括修复代码缺陷和执行单元测试,以验证变更。

    The activity also involves fixing code defects and performing unit tests to verify the changes .