
  1. 土地卫片执法检查中3S技术的应用研究

    Study on 3S Technology Applied in Law Enforcement Inspection of Satellite Land Image

  2. 开展执法检查、提高城市规划质量

    Evolving Inspection on Law Implementation , Promoting Urban Planning Quality

  3. 全国人大专门委员会执法检查探讨

    A Look at the Law Enforcement by the Special Committee of NPC

  4. 执法检查组不直接处理问题。

    The team for inspection of law enforcement shall not directly handle problems .

  5. 行政执法检查不得收取任何费用。

    It 's for bidden to impose any fees for the administrative examination .

  6. 档案行政执法检查与业务指导

    Check on Archives Law Enforcement and Business Guide

  7. 与此同时,全国人大加强了执法检查监督工作。

    In the meantime , the NPC has strengthened inspection of and supervision over law enforcement .

  8. 全国人大各专门委员会也开展形式多样的执法检查。

    The special committees of the NPC also conduct various types of examinations of law enforcement work .

  9. 近年来人大执法检查开展得有声有色,特别是监督法出台后,执法检查活动更加法律化规范化。

    Especially after the law of supervision was introduced , the law enforcement inspection is more standardized .

  10. 对执法检查权的规限,排除了行政检查的强制力;

    Third , the provisions about the law enforcement right rule out the compelling force of administrative inspections .

  11. 方法对439家公共场所禁烟专项执法检查结果进行分析。

    Methods The situation of smoking banning in 439 public houses were inspected and the data were analyzed .

  12. 中国不断加强环境执法检查和行政执法。

    China has constantly strengthened checks on the enforcement of environmental legislation , and improved administrative law enforcement .

  13. 强化环境和生态保护执法检查,健全环境保护的监测体系、评价考核和责任追究制度。

    We will improve the systems for monitoring and evaluating environmental protection and for determining accountability for environmental problems .

  14. 为了提高统计数据质量,我们定期进行统计执法检查。

    In order to improve the quality of statistical data , we take regular check enforcing the Statistical Law .

  15. 在食品安全法实施当年,就及时地进行了执法检查。

    And last year when the food safety law went into force , we started make inspection on its enforcement .

  16. 执法检查报告的内容应包括:对所检查法律实施状况的全面评价;

    The contents of the report shall include : an overall appraisal of the enforcement of the law under inspection ;

  17. 加大培训力度,提高税务人员的整体素质,提高税务机关的办案能力和效率。加大税务执法检查监督力度,全面提高税务部门的执法水平。

    It 's necessary to improve quality of tax collectors team and to improve tax organs ' working ability and efficiency .

  18. 对执法检查中发现的重大典型违法事件及其处理结果,可以公之于众。

    Major typical law-breaking cases discovered in the inspection of law enforcement and their settlement may be made known to the public .

  19. 执法检查组对市区主要书店、商场、车站、批发市场等18个场所进行了检查。

    Law enforcement inspection group of the main urban area bookstores , shopping malls , stations , wholesale markets in18 sites were inspected .

  20. 有关部门和地方应支持执法检查组的工作,提供真实情况和其他必要的帮助。

    The departments and local authorities concerned shall support the work of the inspection team and provide it with true information and other necessary assistance .

  21. 执法检查的计划应包括检查的内容、检查的组织、检查的时间和地点、检查的方式和要求等。

    The plan for the inspection of law enforcement shall include the contents , organizations , time , places , ways and requirements of inspection .

  22. 检查结束后,由执法检查组组长主持,写出执法检查报告。

    After the inspection is over , a report on the inspection of law enforcement shall be prepared under the leadership of the head of the inspection team .

  23. 本文主要从龙岩市质量技术监督稽查打假工作的实践出发,有针对性对现场执法检查中证据的固定进行分析和探讨,并提出切实可行的解决办法。

    On the basis of practice researches on the Longyan Quality and Technology Supervision Inspection , the article evaluates how to confirm evidence in site , making the practicable solution .

  24. 流域水环境管理的部门协作形式包括联合发文、联合执法检查等,部门协作的协调机制包括科层协调和制度协调。

    Forms of department cooperation during river basin water environment management include joint dispatching documents , association of enforcement and inspection and so on , which need proper coordination mechanisms such as bureaucratic coordination and institutional coordination .

  25. 又要规范用海,保护海洋环境,履行海洋监察职能,负责海域使用、海洋工程、海洋倾废等的执法检查。

    But also to regulate the use of sea , to protect the marine environment , marine performance monitoring role , responsible for the use of sea areas , marine engineering , ocean dumping of wastes and other law enforcement inspection .

  26. 文章根据三部门矿山生态环境保护专项执法检查督查情况,分析了目前矿山生态环境保护监管存在的问题,提出了解决矿山生态环境保护问题的对策建议:1提高对矿山生态环境保护重要意义的认识;

    Based on the situation of supervision of specialized enforcement with regard to mine ecological environmental protection by three sectors , the paper analyses the problems , and finds the solutions to theses problems : enhance the awareness of significance of protecting environment ;

  27. 在防治地质灾害的对策方面,其措施主要有编制灾害预测报告、加强监测、加大资金投入、加强领导、加大宣传力度、强化执法检查等。

    Finally it discusses the prevention and cure countermeasures against geological hazards from 6 aspects . The main countermeasures are establishing hazards forecasting report , strengthening monitoring , increasing investment , reinforcing leading , intensifying propaganda , consolidating the check of law execution and so on .

  28. 联系近几年连续开展的环境执法检查实践,从经济理论角度分析执法不力的成因,探讨强化环境监督管理、规范执法行为、消除经济障碍的对策。

    Getting touch with the practice of environmental enforcement examination this years , the reason of not excising effective enforcement was analysed from the viewpoint of economics , also it were discussed that how to strengthen supervision management , norm the enforcement action and eliminate the economic obstacle .

  29. 执法大检查与司法独立和公正

    " General Inspection of Law Enforcement " and Judicial Independence and Justice

  30. 完善药品行政管理法律体系建立执法监督检查制度

    Perfecting Drug Administrative Laws and Establishing the Supervision system