
xiāo huǐ
  • Destruction;devastate;ruin;destroy by melting or burning
销毁 [xiāo huǐ]
  • [destroy by melting or burning;devastate;revage;ruin] 熔化毁掉;烧掉

  • 销毁罪证

销毁[xiāo huǐ]
  1. 他被指控把与案件有关的文件用碎纸机销毁了。

    He was accused of shredding documents relating to the case .

  2. 炸弹销毁专家在受控条件下引爆了这个装置。

    Bomb disposal experts exploded the device under controlled conditions .

  3. 它们中大多数在完成使命后被销毁。

    Most of them are destroyed because they 've served their purpose .

  4. 找到并且销毁,重复一下,销毁这些部件。

    Find and destroy , repeat destroy , these units .

  5. 销毁所有的核武器将会使世界变得更安全。

    The elimination of all nuclear weapons would make the world a safer place

  6. 远期目标必须是将核武器尽数销毁。

    The long-range goal must be to do away with nuclear weapons altogether .

  7. 杀人后,他镇定地点起火销毁罪证。

    After the killing , he calmly lit a fire to destroy evidence .

  8. 他吩咐员工将机密文件用碎纸机销毁。

    He instructed staff to shred sensitive documents .

  9. 俄罗斯和其他加盟共和国承诺销毁他们储存的大部分核武器。

    Russia and the other republics are committed to destroying most of their nuclear arsenals

  10. 他所有未发表的作品必须在被人看到之前销毁。

    All his unpublished writing should be destroyed unread

  11. 通过销毁信用卡这一简单的权宜之计,我大幅削减了自己的购物支出。

    I cut my purchases dramatically by the simple expedient of destroying my credit cards .

  12. 嫌疑人被弄了个措手不及,根本来不及销毁证据。

    The suspect was taken unawares , without the chance to dispose of the evidence .

  13. 如果重要作品遭窃一事被大肆报道,这些作品就会因为难以转手而被销毁。

    If too much publicity is given to the theft of important works , the works will become too hot to handle and be destroyed .

  14. 德国人正在制造能够收集太空垃圾碎片并将其带回地球安全销毁的机器人。

    The Germans are building robots that can collect pieces of space junk and bring them back to Earth to be safely destroyed .

  15. 分类账本和账簿都被销毁了

    The ledgers and account books had all been destroyed .

  16. 账簿都被销毁了

    The ledgers had all been destroyed .

  17. 快照族就是阅后即焚这个手机应用的用户。这个应用能让用户拍照录视频并且几秒内就会自动销毁。

    Snubs are users of snapchat , a mobile app that allows users to capture videos and pictures that self-destruct after a few seconds .

  18. 第四十六条违反本法的规定,生产、储存、运输、销售或者使用销毁易燃易爆危险物品的,责令停止违法行为,可以处警告、罚款或者十五日以下拘留。

    Article 46 Those who , in violation the rules of this law , produce , store , transport , sell or use , destroy inflammable and explosive dangerous goods , shall be ordered to stop illegal activities , and can be given disciplinary warning , penalty or disciplinary warning or penalty .

  19. process()方法的实现包含用于销毁Web服务资源实例的代码。

    The implementation of the process () method contains the code to destroy the WS-Resource instance .

  20. 这些线程是在close中销毁的。

    These threads will be destroyed in close .

  21. 在前一部分中,您了解了如何将立即销毁支持添加到计算器Web服务资源。

    In the previous section , you saw how immediate destruction support can be added to the calculator WS-Resource .

  22. 在下面的伪代码中,这个内核线程应该在设备驱动程序的close函数中进行销毁

    This kernel thread should be destroyed in the close of the device driver in this pseudo code

  23. 钝化燃烧法销毁废K·D复盐起爆药

    The Destruction of Waste K · D Initial Complex Salt Explosive by Dull-Combustion Method

  24. WebSphereApplicationServer身份验证会话信息是通过将用户定向到ibmsecuritylogoutURL销毁的。

    WebSphere Application Server authentication session information is destroyed by directing the user to the ibm_security_logout URL .

  25. LinuxPOSIX信号使用semdestroy()来销毁无名称的信号。

    Linux POSIX semaphores use sem_destroy () to destroy the unnamed semaphore .

  26. 例如,一个使用过的、返回BestBuy进行销毁的硬盘驱动器最终在芝加哥跳蚤市场上作为一个完整的磁盘出售。

    For instance , a used hard drive that was returned to Best Buy for destruction ended up being sold intact at a Chicago flea market .

  27. 因为关系是组合关系,当Company实例被移除/销毁时,Department实例也将自动地被移除/销毁。

    Because the relationship is a composition relationship , when the Company instance is removed / destroyed , the Department instance is automatically removed / destroyed as well .

  28. 然而,在分布式计算Web环境中,用户可能与服务提供者的端点相分离,因而可能无法显式地销毁资源。

    However , in a distributed computing Web environment , a user might become disconnected from the service provider 's endpoint and therefore might be unable to explicitly destroy the resource .

  29. 组合Fenton法处理弹药销毁废水

    Treatment of ammunition disposal wastewater by combined Fenton process

  30. 书面应该保证归还和销毁,归还这些材料将不影响B遵循以上的保密义务。

    Such return and destruction shall be confirmed promptly in writing by B The return of these materials shall not affect B undertakings on the confidentiality obligations set forth hereinabove .