
  1. 但丁:黑暗,恩哼?我的白象牙会将它照亮的!

    Dante : dark , huh ? My whiteivory will shine it upon bright !

  2. 除了栖息地减少之外,有人为了获取象牙也会捕杀大象,而村民为了保护庄稼也会对它们痛下杀手。

    Elephants are also shot by hunters for precious ivory and sometimes killed by villagers to protect their fields .

  3. 丝毫没有意识到象牙贸易会导致怎样的暴力、腐败和灭绝的威胁。

    without the knowledge of the threats of extinction , corruption , and violence that the ivory trade would lead to .