
  1. 进行目标时间段的拜访,象年会,生日及纪念日等。

    Enter the time-bound call objectives such as securing annual meeting , calling on birthdays , anniversaries , etc.

  2. 如今”Snobbery”在英语中已不象50年前那么普遍使用。

    Snobbery is not so common in English today as it was said fifty years ago .

  3. ·在IMF里-防范象1997年东南亚金融危机那样的金融风险;

    In the IMF - preventing financial crisis like those in South East Asia in 1997 ;

  4. 象一年一次的植树节。

    Which is like once a year , on arbor day .

  5. 国会通过该法案是为了减少象1929年股市崩溃那样而造成的存款风险。

    Congress passed the law to reduce risk to deposits following the stock market crash of1929 .

  6. 十九世纪曾周期性地发生象一八三七年恐慌那样的经济失调现象。

    Economic dislocations such as " the Panic of 1837 " occurred periodically during the 19th century .

  7. 对于肉体上和精神上受到的病痛折磨现在不象二十年前或三十年前那样直言不讳了。

    Physical and mental afflictions are now known by less forthright names than twenty of thirty years ago .

  8. 对我来说,这些令人紧张刺激的活动让我远离了退缩,不再象十年前那样。

    For me , the cerebrally intense highball problem replaced the runout , which the drill destroyed a decade ago .

  9. 以后永远不用再象1968年入侵捷克时所不得不做的那样:征用城市公共汽车去运送部队。

    Never again would 8 city buses have to be commandeered to move troops , as was necessary during the 1968 invasion of Czechoslovakia .

  10. 杰里有一次我们谈过这个问题让我要象93年那样,好好考虑,以便作出明智的决定,因为这将是最后决定。

    And Jerry , once we had our conversation , wanted me to take time as I did in 93 to make sure that it was the right decision because it was going to be the final decision .

  11. 虽只相隔了十年,他们却感觉象是一百年。

    The ten years between them yawned like a hundred .

  12. 从表面上看,美国人民经济上似乎从来没有象在1929年那样兴旺。

    On the surface the American people had never seemed so economically healthy as in 1929 .

  13. 一天清晨,露辛迪克象过去四十年一样在灿烂的朝阳下醒来,突然,她很想回去看看普利摩顿城。

    Then one day , waking to the same bright sky she 'd woken to for over four decades-she was seized by a desire to see Primordium .

  14. 当美国人民承担更重的税赋,而从政府处获得的回报更少,他们将不会象过去几十年那样慷慨地支持美国所扮演的全球角色。

    When Americans are paying more to their government and getting less from it , they will not be as generous in supporting the United States'global role as they have been in recent decades .

  15. 这位美国的流行音乐之王的歌迷遍布亚洲各国。这段演唱听上去象是1983年迈克尔杰克逊跟保罗-麦卡特尼的二重唱,“说,说,说”。不过实际上这是中国摇滚乐歌手崔健在1990年的作品。

    The music sounds like the 1983 Michael Jackson-Paul McCartney duet , " Say , Say , Say . " The singer though is China 's top rocker Cui Jian , who recorded this cover in the 1990s .

  16. 据科学期刊《PLOSOne》去年发布的估计数字,2011年,中非的森林象数量从2002年的约32.2万只减少至约10万只。

    The forest-elephant population in Central Africa shrank to around 100,000 in 2011 from about 322,000 in 2002 , according to estimates published last year in the PLOS ONE scientific journal .

  17. 中国象一株千年古树,在改革这把大剪刀的修剪下,焕发出青春和活力。

    Pruned by the great shears of reform , china , old like a1000-year-old tree , radiates vigor and vitality .

  18. 中国就是发展的过大,已经不能再象过去的30年那样保持每年10%的势头扩展下去了,并且很可能会在明年和可预计的将来降到8%。

    China has simply grown too big to keep expanding at the10 percent rate it has sustained for30 years , and is likely to slow to8 percent at best next year and for the foreseeable future .

  19. 有批评说,大象,特别是母象,是群居类动物,它们需要和同伴们在一起,但是麦吉的伴侣,一头名叫Annabella的亚洲象已经在1997年去世了。

    Elephants , particularly females , are herd creatures and need company , critics have said .