
shuō bu de
  • unspeakable;unmentionable
说不得 [shuō bù dé]
  • [unspeakable] 〈方〉∶免不了,不得不

  • 事情已经如此,说不得亲自走一趟

  • 既托了我,我就说不得要讨你们嫌了。--《红楼梦》

说不得[shuō bu de]
  1. 这话说不得。

    That 's a terrible thing to say .

  2. 这话说不得,会杀你的,也会杀我,因为我听见了。

    You could be killed for saying that , and I for hearing .

  3. 愿那个说不得的神圣的上天保佑你们;

    the ineffable heavens bless ye ;

  4. 这就是为什么我们需要独立自主的,中央银行;,我们希望有一个可以对政府说不得,中央银行家。

    That 's why we need independence of the central bank ; we want to have a central banker that can say no to the government .

  5. 帕切特的第二条法则是,“切记,永远不要给人留下把柄。不光彩的事情尤其说不得。”在担任顾问期间,帕切特总是惊讶地发现,一些匪夷所思的事情也会有人拿来跟同事吹嘘。

    And second , she says , " Never , ever share anything that could be used against you later . Especially , don 't talk about any situation where you may have acted less than ethically . " In her consulting work , Pachter is frequently amazed at some of the things people brag to coworkers about .

  6. 说V不得论背书连续

    To Discuss about V Bude The Continuity of the Endorsement

  7. 每次都总有一点因素说退不得。

    Every time there was one reason or another why I should not retire .

  8. 谢尔顿:不好意思,你可没说“不得回传”。

    Sheldon : I 'm sorry . I don 't recall you saying " No backsies . "

  9. 唐大爷说记不得的,是50多年前的事,弥陀的老人们莫得人不晓得。

    What he claimed to have forgotten happened over fifty years ago , and all the old timers in Mituo know it .

  10. 你说你记不得她的名字了。

    Whose name you say you can 't remember .

  11. 你自己跟我说那是不得已之举。

    You told me yourself that was necessary .

  12. 你听我说,你不得上火车!

    You do not , you hear me , do not get on a train !

  13. 你是说,‘不得颁布新法律就是不能颁布新法律,’这是显而易见的。

    You say that no law means no law , and that should be obvious .

  14. 在劳动力短缺时期,日本人说他们恨不得让猫来帮忙。

    In times of need , Japanese say they can even ask the cat for help .

  15. 你说你记不得那次会议了。那么,我来给你提示一下吧。

    You say you cannot remember that meeting . well , let me give you a lead .

  16. 我连忙奔下楼去,把我心里的怀疑对首先碰到的人…那个女佣人说。“不得了!不得了啦!”她哇地叫了起来,

    Running down stairs , I quickly stated my suspicions to the first person I met-the chamber-maid .

  17. 为这篇文章你得了多少钱?爸爸会怎么说?怪不得罗瑞笑呢!

    How much did you get for it ? What will Father say ? Wont Laurie laugh !

  18. 说,巴不得你在这个日子,知道关系你平安的事。

    Saying , If thou hadst known , even thou , at least in this thy day , the things which belong unto thy peace !

  19. 何况你说,你不得见他。你的案件在他面前,你等候他吧。

    How much less when you say that you do not see him ; that the cause is before him , and you are waiting for him .

  20. 希刺克厉夫待在那儿跟他说话,我就进了厨房&一个又脏又乱的洞。我敢说你认不得那儿了,比起归你管的那时候可变得多了。

    Heathcliff stayed to speak to him , and I entered the kitchen & a dingy , untidy hole ; I dare say you would not know it , it is so changed since it was in your charge .

  21. 去年圣诞节你还生怕我跟他结婚,怕的是不郑重其事,而现在呢,他要去跟一个只不过有一万镑财产的姑娘结婚,你就要说他见不得钱啦。

    Last Christmas you were afraid of his marrying me , because it would be imprudent ; and now , because he is trying to get a girl with only ten thousand pounds , you want to find out that he is mercenary .

  22. 彬格莱小姐要她乘着马车回去,她正打算稍许推辞一下就接受主人的盛意,不料吉英说是舍不得让她走,于是彬格莱小姐便不得不改变了请她坐马车回去的主意,请她在尼日斐花园小住一阵。

    and very unwillingly said so . Miss Bingley offered her the carriage , and she only wanted a little pressing to accept it , when Jane testified such concern in parting with her that Miss Bingley was obliged to convert the offer of the chaise into an invitation to remain at Netherfield for the present .

  23. 耶和华说,恶人必不得平安。

    There is no peace , says the lord , for the evil-doers .

  24. 我的神说,恶人必不得平安。

    There is no peace , says my god , for the evil-doers .

  25. 人都说他聪明得不得了。

    Awfully clever , they say .

  26. 人都说他聪明得不得了。他很聪明,不管别人闲事。

    Awfully clever , they say . He was sensible enough to mind his own business .

  27. 我说,“记不得了,也许6个小时?”

    And I said , " I don 't know , like , six hours ? "

  28. 他对我抱歉地说,他看不得别人对艺术事业的糟蹋。

    The old veteran then told me as if in apology that he couldn 't bear to see art maltreated .

  29. 来三18又向谁起誓说,他们必不得进入他的安息?岂不是向那些不信从的人么?

    Heb . 3:18 And to whom did He swear that they should not enter into His rest , except to the disobedient ?

  30. 到场的父母们都齐声赞许说:“了不得,了不得,代洛西。”

    All the parents who were there -- and they all knew him -- said : -- " Bravo , bravo , Derossi ! "