
shuō yī tào zuò yī tào
  • 熟语say one thing and do another
  1. 他谴责了那些说一套做一套的政客的虚伪。

    He condemned the hypocrisy of those politicians who do one thing and say another .

  2. 他是在说一套做一套。

    He 's talking out of both sides of his mouth .

  3. 错过期限、说一套做一套、做错什么事儿都有借口老板讨厌这些东西。

    Missing deadlines , saying one thing doing another and has an excuse for everything bosses hate that .

  4. 研究表明企业员工“如果将全部精力都用于应付这类说一套做一套的风气,就无法好好完成工作”。

    Research shows staff " can 't get their work done , [ if ] they 're spending all their energy " dealing with such dissonance .

  5. 女:当今政府的一大特点就是说一套做一套,在教育方面也是这样。

    W : The hallmark of this government is that what they say and what they actually do is always different . And that 's no different in education .

  6. 只有真正坚持和平道路,不再说一套做一套,才能获得邻国和世界的信任。

    Only by truly committing to a peaceful path and stop saying one thing and doing something else , can a country gain the trust of its neighbors and the world .

  7. 他们说一套,做一套,她们是邪恶。

    They say one thing , they mean another . they 're evil .

  8. 这种说一套,做一套的做法,实在不可取。

    We should not condone the practice of saying one thing and doing another .