
  1. 深海矿产资源研究与开发中的分析技术

    Analytical Techniques in Research and Exploitation of Oceanic Polymetallic Nodule Resources

  2. 开展南太平洋岛国合作探查开发深海矿产资源

    Cooperation with south pacific Island countries to explore and develop deep-sea mineral resources

  3. 深海矿产可以在相当长的时期内满足人类的需求,因此,深海采矿成为多国的重点研究方向。

    The minerals deep in the ocean are able to meet human requirement in a quite long period .

  4. 我国矿产资源所面临的严峻形势要求我们需要大力发展深海矿产资源开采技术。

    The severe situation that Chinese mineral resources faced need us to develop the technology of deep-sea mineral resources exploitation .

  5. 这两个模型在实验区的实际应用中取得良好效果,被证明适合深海矿产资源定量评价工作。

    The two models get good results in the practical application , which proves to be suitable for quantitative assessment of deep ‐ sea mineral resources .

  6. 在东北太平洋多金属结核区深海矿产资源勘探活动中,小型底栖动物的变化已被列为重要的深海环境影响评价参数之一。

    Meiofauna variation is one of the important deep-sea environmental assessable parameters in the deep-sea mineral resources prospecting activity of the polymetallic nodule area in the northeast Pacific .

  7. 由于陆地资源日益枯竭,当今世界各国都在加紧对深海矿产资源开采技术进行研究,为海洋经济时代的到来做技术储备,我国也非常重视深海采矿技术的研究。

    Because of the resource scarcity on land , many developed countries are carrying research on deep-sea mining technology for the " ocean economy age " . China also attaches great importance to this subject .

  8. 作为深海矿产资源采矿系统中的载体,海底采矿车将行走于数千米深的海底复杂地形上,必须具有良好的远程可控性。

    As the carrier of the deep-sea mining system , it is necessary for the seabed mining vehicle , which will travel on complex submarine terrain thousands meters deep under the sea , to be controlled remotely and easily .

  9. 结合陆地矿产资源定量评价思路提出较系统的深海固体矿产资源定量评价方法,并将该方法应用于CC区锰结核资源。

    The systemic deep ‐ sea mineral resources quantitative assessment methods are proposed based on the thoughts of land solid mineral resources quantitative assessment , and are applied to manganese nodule resources in CC zone .

  10. 我国深海金属矿产资源加工利用技术

    Development of Deep-sea Mineral Resources Processing and Comprehensive Utilization Techniques in China

  11. 深海固体矿产商业化采矿:幻想与现实

    Commercial deep sea mining of solid mineral resources : fantastic or realistic

  12. 其中,海水包括海洋生物、海水动力和海水资源;海岸包括湿地和海岛;海底包括浅海、深海和矿产资源。

    Among these , the Sea Water includes ocean living things , ocean power and sea water resources ; Coast includes everglade and island ; Benthal includes shallow sea , deep sea and mineral resources .

  13. 本文拟将此作为研究工作的重点,尝试将陆地矿产资源定量评价方法引入深海,结合深海矿产资源评价特点,给出较系统定量评价方法。

    This research work intends to focus on this point trying to introduce the theory and methods of land mineral resources quantitative evaluation to deep sea , and gives a more systemic quantitative assessment method , combining with the characteristic of deep ‐ sea mineral resources assessment .

  14. 本文研究成果可缩短我国与世界发达国家在深海海底资源调查技术上的差距。为今后我国深海矿产资源调查、勘探和开采打下良好基础。

    Research results in this paper can reduce the gap in deep seafloor resources investigation technology between China and western countries and lay a sound foundation for deep-sea mineral resources investigation , exploration and exploitation .

  15. 随着陆上资源的日渐枯竭,深海开发已经成为世界主要大国的重要战略目标,实现高效、低能耗的深海矿产提升具有重要意义。

    Along with the running up of land resources , deep sea exploitation has been important strategic goal of big countries of the world , there are significant meanings to realize efficient and low-energy-consumption piping of deep sea mine .

  16. 对极端环境微生物生存与适应机制的研究将加深我们对深海微生物乃至深海生物圈对全球气候影响的理解,也将促进我们对深海微生物资源和深海矿产资源的开发。

    The research about the adaptation mechanism of extremophiles will promote the understanding of deep sea biosphere and the global climate as well as the exploitation of the deep sea microbes and minerals resources .