
wú hài tōnɡ ɡuò
  • innocent passage;inoffensive passage
  1. 第四章为各国的无害通过规定和国际海洋冲突。

    Chapter four is various countries ' regulations of innocent passage and international maritime conflicts .

  2. 商船在通过领海时普遍享有无害通过权,这一点得到了广泛的认可。

    It has been widely recognized that merchant ship enjoys the right of innocent passage .

  3. 然而关于无害通过权的适用对象,则历来存在争议。

    However , concerning applicable objects of this right , there always exists dispute .

  4. 无害通过领海的权利

    Right of Innocent Passage through Territorial Seas

  5. 西北航道归属未定论也导致在过境通行和无害通过问题上存在障碍。

    Northwest Passage attribution " undetermined " also lead transit passage and innocent passage issues barriers .

  6. 对于军舰是否享有无害通过权,由于公约规定不是十分明确,因此无论是理论上,还是世界各国的实践上,对于这个问题都是意见不一。

    As for whether warships also enjoy the innocent passage right , the Conventions do not give a clear statement .

  7. 第三章为《联合国海洋法公约》与无害通过权。

    Chapter three is the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and the right of innocent passage .

  8. 无害通过权以其在领海的广泛适用,在全世界范围内发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    As a result of its widely applicable in territorial waters , the right of innocent passage plays an important role around the world .

  9. 在数世纪的历史变革中,无害通过权逐渐发展成为一个国际惯例,并获得世界上大多数学者及国家实践的认可。

    For centuries , the right of innocent passage develops to be an international practice gradually and gains recognition from a number of nations and scholars .

  10. 在本部分中,作者将通过对领海、军舰与商船差异的分析来阐述军舰是否如商船般享有无害通过领海的权利。

    In this chapter , the author will expound whether warship has the right of innocent passage such as merchant ship by discussing territorial waters and differences between this two kinds of ships .

  11. 与此同时,1958年《领海与毗连区公约》和1982年《联合国海洋法公约》也对无害通过权作了专门规定,从而将此权利法典化。

    At the same time , the Convention on the Territorial Sea and the Contiguous Zone and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea have special provisions regarding the innocent passage , thus making this right codification .

  12. 本部分中,通过对《联合国海洋法公约》和有关国际法条约中对无害通过相关规定的分析,作者将阐明在现行国际法上军舰是否享有无害通过权。

    In this chapter , with the analysis of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea and other interrelated treaties , the author will expound whether warship has the right of innocent passage under the current international law .

  13. 其蕴涵的国际法思想主要有:航行自由和捕鱼自由、贸易自由、无害通过权、人类共同财产及和平论与和平解决国际争端等。

    The thoughts of international law embodied in his writings consist mainly of freedom of navigation on the seas , freedom of fishing , freedom of trade , innocent passage , common human property , ideas on peace and peaceful settlement of international disputes .

  14. 病毒通过缺失使之变得无害,再通过基因操作携带遗传物质RNA,该RNA能干扰老鼠身上被植入的人SOD1突变基因所产生的异化RNA。

    The viruses were made harmless and then genetically engineered to carry genetic material called RNA that would interfere with the faulty RNA produced by the mutant human SOD1 genes in the mice .

  15. 无害的电流通过你身体时,你会感到毛骨悚然。

    You can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body .

  16. 完整的细菌或病毒可以通过热和辐射处理变得无害,也可以通过生物处理使其活性减弱变成活的无害的介质。

    Intact bacteria or viruses can be rendered harmless by heat - or radiation - mediated killing , or can be attenuated ( inactivated ) by biomanipulation to produce a live but harmless version of the agent .