
  1. 在欧元区危机的整个过程中,欧盟一直都在让希腊行不可能之事、以躲开无法避免的结局。

    Throughout the eurozone crisis , the EU has insisted that Greece carry out the impossible to stave off the inevitable .

  2. 在我国能力所及的合理的范围之内,我们所做的以及可能做的一切事情,都无法改变这种结局。

    Nothing that this country did or could have done within the reasonable limits of its capabilities could have changed that result .

  3. 在你不理我的那一刻起,是我用无数的泪水也无法挽回的结局,这是我第一次为了一个男人而痛哭。

    You ignore me at the moment , I am with countless tears irreparable end , this is my first time to a man and wept bitterly .

  4. 如果西方全面占领伊拉克和阿富汗仍无法确保良好结局,为什么有人相信向叙利亚反政府武装提供少量轻武器会更有效呢?

    If a full-scale western occupation of both Iraq and Afghanistan was unable to secure a decent outcome , why does anybody believe that supplying a few light weapons to the Syrian rebels will be more effective ?

  5. 他说现在还无法预料最终的结局。

    He said it is still not possible to predict the ultimate outcome

  6. 我无法相信这就是结局。

    I cannot believe that this is to be the end .

  7. 虽然我们无法选择所有的结局,但我们须扮演拯救者的角色。

    We don 't get to choose all the endings , but we are asked to play the rescuers .

  8. 在当时的历史背景下,党化教育有一定的积极意义,但由于其自身的狭隘性,最终仍无法避免失败的结局。

    At that time , the Education of Party was positive to some degree . But its parochialism led to the final failure .

  9. 三位获奖者的研究表明,这可能会导致供求出现无效率匹配或根本无法匹配的市场结局。

    The laureates ' research has shown that this makes possible market outcomes in which supply and demand are matched inefficiently or not at all .