
  • makeup artist;Make-up Artist;makeup girl;cosmetician
  1. (在这位化妆师的最新视频里,她教大家怎样化出均匀的底妆。)

    In the makeup artist 's latest video , she teaches people how to create an even base .

  2. 本色发言,即便本色很肤浅Cher凭借电影《Moonstruck》获奖发表感言后声名远扬,因为她感谢了化妆师,发型师和助理却没提合作明星和导演。

    Be Yourself , Even if That Self is Shallow When Cher won an Oscar for her role in " Moonstruck , " she received a lot of flack ( 12 ) for showering her makeup artist , hairdresser , and assistant with thanks , while failing to mention her co-stars or director .

  3. 那名女化妆师往杰里米的脸上涂抹假血。

    The make-up woman daubed mock blood on Jeremy

  4. 去年她推出了自己的化妆品品牌“PonyEffect”(朴惠敏效应),并成为著名的流行音乐团体2NE1成员CL的化妆师。

    She launched her cosmetics brand Pony Effect last year , and became 2NE1 ( famous K-pop group ) CL 's makeup artist .

  5. 迪士尼故事的结局通常都幸福美满,不过近日,化妆师肖娜-斯考特(ShonaghScott)为童话故事的女主角们安排了相当灰暗的结局。

    Disney stories are usually associated with happy endings , but this make up artist created a rather grizzly fate for the fairytale heroines 。

  6. 肖娜来自英国的埃塞克斯,是一位化妆师,也是视频分享网站YouTube上的红人。她耗时一个半小时将自己打扮成灰姑娘、白雪公主等经典公主形象,但在其中都添加了个恐怖元素。

    Makeup artist and YouTube star Shonagh Scott from Essex spent 90 minutes transforming herself into the classic princesses - such as Cinderella and Snow White - but with a macabre twist 。

  7. BOBBIBROWN创办人波比·布朗:我现在在第二十几届的朋训班,我旗下来向世界各地的顶尖化妆师都齐聚在此。

    BOBBI BROWN , FOUNDER , BOBBI BROWN : I 'm here at our 20-something annual boot camp , which is where my best artists from all over the globe are here .

  8. 蓝色眼影化妆师在穿MichaelKors、RebeccaMinkoff、JennyPackham和KateSpade礼服的模特脸上戏剧化地扫了一层蔚蓝色的眼影来象征春天的蓝色天空。

    Blue Eye ShadowThe makeup artists at Michael Kors , Rebecca Minkoff , Jenny Packham , and Kate Spade channeled spring 's blue skies with a dramatic sweep of cerulean shadow .

  9. 走在潮流最前端的电子化妆师之一是来自巴黎的伊娜·玛泽(网名叫伊娜·阿尔法),Instagram上的多位艺术家、音乐人和模特都使用过她设计的妆容来美化照片。

    One artist at the forefront of the trend is Parisian Ines Marzet , known online as Ines Alpha , whose creations have adorned pictures of artists , musicians and models on Instagram .

  10. 受Snapchat和Instagram上的增强现实滤镜热潮启发,电子化妆师让你能够下载异国风情的妆容来美化你的照片。

    Inspired by the craze for AR filters on Snapchat and Instagram , " e-make up " artists enable you to download outlandish make-up looks to enhance your digital self .

  11. 同样,伦敦化妆师、化妆品企业家丹尼尔•桑德勒(DanielSandler)最近组建了一个由30名化妆师组成的团队,在英国境内前往客户家中,提供化妆服务或教授个性化化妆知识。

    Likewise , Daniel Sandler , a London-based makeup artist and cosmetics entrepreneur , recently assembled a team of 30 make-up artists who travel across Britain to clients ' homes to apply make-up or give personalised how-to lessons .

  12. 超级名模肯德拉·斯皮尔斯登上了2014年5月刊泰国版《Vogue》封面,照片由时尚摄影师MarcinTyszka掌镜,肯德拉所穿家居服饰由造型师EkaterinaMukhina设计,其妆容由化妆师TiinaRoivainew打造。

    Top model Kendra Spears teams up with fashion photographer Marcin Tyszka for the cover story of Vogue Thailand 's May 2014 edition . For the House of Style Kendra was styled by Ekaterina Mukhina , with hair by Christophe Hasenbein , and makeup by Tiina Roivainew .

  13. 今天早上,化妆师玛丽格温威尔即将向世人公开这个秘密。

    This morning , makeup artist Mary Greenwell is opening up .

  14. “化妆师,快过来!”他要求。

    ' Make-up artist , come here ! 'he demanded .

  15. 不如让化妆师的女士帮个忙?

    Why not ask the lady in the powder room to help ?

  16. 当然了,现在我有自己的化妆师。

    Of course , I have my own dresser now .

  17. 迈克尔·杰克逊长期合作的化妆师表示,杰克逊曾被逼进行彩排。

    Michael Jackson 's long-time make-up artist says the star was pushed to rehearse .

  18. 你必须听他的,知道吗?他是化妆师。

    You mast listen to his , do you know ? He is dresser !

  19. 丽塔:我热爱我的工作,我喜欢做化妆师。

    Rita : I love my job . I love being a makeup artist .

  20. 迪奥五色眼影。化妆师的最爱,一盒包括多种匹配的颜色。

    The makeup artists'favorite for versatility , with five coordinating hues in one compact .

  21. 我的手下,化妆师,教我怎么画这个的。

    Buddy of mine , makeup guy , showed me how to do this .

  22. 如果我不是演员,我会是一个化妆师。

    If I weren 't an actress , I would be a makeup artist .

  23. 我们玩牛仔大战印第安人,他总是扮印第安化妆师。

    When we played cowboys and Indians , he played the Indian 's makeup artist .

  24. 你是一个化妆师。

    You 're a makeup artist .

  25. 克丽丝:丽塔,你已经在这里做了很长时间的化妆师了。

    Chris : You 've been the makeup person here for a long time , Rita .

  26. 别怪韶光改人容颜,我们自己才是那个化妆师。

    Don 't blame the aging looks on time , in fact ourselves are the dressers .

  27. 化妆师彼比·布朗为女性打造光鲜亮丽的脸庞将近20年。

    Makeup artist Bobbi Brown has been creating polished looks for women for almost 20 years .

  28. 化妆师把我的脸涂成金色时我要一动不动

    And I have to sit perfectly still as they painted gold all over my face .

  29. 我热爱我的工作,我喜欢做化妆师。但是我总是承诺自己,当我到了这个年纪我要开始一种新的生活。

    But I always promised myself I would start a new life when I reached this age .

  30. 加上化妆师的手笔

    and a little skilled makeup