
  1. 如果我爱你,我就会积极对待你的需要。

    If I love you , I 'm responsive to most of your major needs as a person .

  2. 如果我爱你,我会相信你将接受我的关心与爱意,我会相信你不会故意把我伤害,我会相信你终将发现我的可爱之处,我会相信你不会把我弃于不顾;

    If I love you , I trust that you will accept my caring and my love and that you won 't deliberately13 hurt me . I trust that you will find me lovable and that you won 't abandon me ;

  3. 如果我爱你,你允许我犯错。

    If I love you , please allow me to err .

  4. 如果我爱你你会很介意吗?

    Would you mind very much if I love you ?

  5. 如果我爱你,我会鼓励你扩大交友圈,发展自己的人际关系。

    If I love you , I encourage you to reach out and develop other relationships .

  6. 如果我爱你,我就能与你有同样的情感,我就能通过你的眼睛去看这世界。

    If I love you , I can empathize with you and see the world through your eyes .

  7. 如果我爱你,你的缺点,在我的世界里,也是优点。

    If I love you , in my world your weak points will turn out to be strong points .

  8. 爱意味着和所爱的人共同成长。如果我爱你,我会为了对你的爱而成长。

    Love means growth for both myself and the person I love . If I love you , I am growing as a result of my love .

  9. 如果我爱你我会告诉我爸妈,他不比别人缺什么,通向公主的城堡,别人骑的是白马,捧的是玫瑰;

    If I love you I 'll tell my parents , he 's no better than the others lack what , and leads to the princess castle , others ride is white , and the hold is rose ;

  10. 如果我爱你,我会把你看成是独立的个体,有自己的价值观、思想和感情,我不会坚持让你放弃自己的特性,使你变成一个我期望你成为的那种人。

    If I love you , I can see you as a separate person , with your own values and thoughts and feelings , and I do not insist that you surrender you identity and conform to an image of what I expect you to be for me .

  11. 如果我不再爱你,那真是一件很奇怪的事情。

    It is strange that I should have not love you again .

  12. 如果我不爱你我怎么会给你买钻石耳环呢

    You think I 'd buy you diamond earrings if I didn 't

  13. 如果我没爱你,我还是要爱其他某个人的。

    If I didn 't love you , I 'd have to love somebody else .

  14. 如果我不爱你,我就不会坚持让你去教堂认识那一位真神,因为我知道有一天我将要离开你。

    But , my dear and my darling , when one day you become the parent , you will get to know .

  15. 如果我不爱你:我不会像昨晚泣不成声,不会因为那些而吃不下饭,用饿肚子来折磨自己!

    If I do not love you : I will not look like choke with sobs last night , will not be able to eat meal because of these , with had an empty stomach suffers itself !

  16. 如果我说我爱你每一夜。

    If I said that I would love you every single night .

  17. 如果我真的爱你,我就会听从你的的建议。

    If I loved you really , I should have take you advice .

  18. 如果我爱他,你会原谅我吗?

    If I loved him , I 'm forgiven ?

  19. 如果我不是那样爱你,我会妒忌的。

    If I weren 't so in love with you , I 'd be jealous .

  20. 如果说我不爱你,那就是欺骗了你。

    I would be a liar if I said that I didn 't love you .

  21. 如果我不是这么爱你,也许还能多说一些。

    If I loved you less , I might be able to talk about it more .

  22. 我不知道你是否会相信或不,如果我说我爱你,我总是。

    I don'know whether you will believe or not if I say I love you and I always do .

  23. 嗯,如果我说我爱你爱得要死,你知道我是在说谎。

    Well , if I said I was madly in love with you , you know I was lying .

  24. 如果我真的爱你,当我看见我的爱已经成为你的痛苦时,我将离开你。

    If I love you , I will leave you the moment I see my love has become a misery to you .

  25. 如果我“爱”你并且执著于它,那就会产生矛盾,这样就没有爱。

    If I love you and there is attachment in it , that is a contradiction , therefore there is no love .

  26. 爱你!不要拒绝我,好吗?如果我游渡长河,只为呼唤你的名字如果我说我爱你不变你还会再愚弄我吗?啊!

    Love you So don 't let me down If I swan the longest river Just to call your name If I said the way I fell for you Would never change Would you ever fool around ?