
  1. 他在社交媒体上放上了自己拿着剪下头发的照片,赢得发了2百万粉丝点赞。

    A picture he posted on social media of him holding his lobbed-off hair attracted over two million likes .

  2. 英国皇室的推特账户已经拥有了超过2百万的粉丝,肯辛顿宫则有62万8千名粉丝,克拉伦斯王府则有超过50万粉丝。

    The British Monarchy Twitter account already has over 2 million followers , Kensington Palace has 628000 on Twitter and Clarence House has over 500000 on Twitter .

  3. 魅族曾经出产的是MP3。与小米上百万的忠实粉丝相比,它的中端手机在年龄稍大、经济状况也更好的人群中广受欢迎。

    Once a maker of MP3 players , Meizu 's middle-range phones are popular with a demographic slightly older and more affluent than the millions loyal to Xiaomi .

  4. 他在全球有百万计的忠实粉丝,同时又财富五车。

    He was loved by millions of fans around the world , and had a mass of fortune .

  5. 我早就观察到外国政客试图通过社交媒体接触数以百万计的中国粉丝。

    I have long observed foreign politicians trying to engage with Chinese fans , sometimes in the millions , through social media .