
  • 网络grow up together
  1. 有一头大象和它的饲养员在他们都很小的时候第一次见面,他们一起长大。

    An elephant and its keeper meet for the first time when they are both young , and they grow up together .

  2. 他们可以一起长大,互相照顾。

    They could grow up together and take care of each other .

  3. 和他一起长大让我很快意识到他有多么坚定。

    Growing up with him soon made me realise the extent of his determination

  4. 《洛杉矶时报》该报道的作者卡洛琳娜·A·米兰达(CarolinaA.Miranda)补充:我和凯蒂猫的各种产品一起长大,我得说,这太震惊了。

    Carolina A. Miranda , who wrote the Times story , added : I grew up with Hello Kitty everything and all I have to say is , MIND BLOWN .

  5. Rhonda告诉我你们是一起长大的朋友。

    I mean , Rhonda told me that you guys were friends growing up ?

  6. 《洛杉矶时报》该报道的作者卡洛琳娜·A·米兰达(CarolinaA.Miranda)补充:“我和凯蒂猫的各种产品一起长大,我得说,这太震惊了。”

    Carolina A. Miranda , who wrote the Times story , added : " I grew up with Hello Kitty everything and all I have to say is , MIND BLOWN . "

  7. 罗琳在威尔士切普斯托(Chepstow)同她的妹妹一起长大,并在这里上学。

    Rowling grew up with one younger sister in Chepstow , Wales where she went to school .

  8. 哥伦比亚大学梅尔曼公共卫生学院(ColumbiaUniversity'sMailmanSchoolofPublicHealth)副教授马修・S.帕札洛斯基(MatthewS.Perzanowski)说,那些和猫咪一起长大的孩子似乎“更不易对动物产生过敏”。动物跟其他过敏源一样,可能会引发哮喘。

    Kids who grow up living with a cat appear ' less likely to develop allergy ' to the animals , which , like other allergies , can be a trigger for asthma , said Matthew S. Perzanowski , an associate professor at Columbia University 's Mailman School of Public Health .

  9. 和他一起长大,我学会了哑剧。

    From growing up with him , I learned the pantomime .

  10. 玛丽从小跟我一起长大,我们是亲密的朋友。

    Mary grew up with me , we are intimate friends .

  11. 我可说是和科幻小说一起长大的。

    I grew up on a steady diet of science fiction .

  12. 我可没和阿曼达在一起长大

    Amanda and I weren 't exactly close growing up .

  13. 在美国社会里,男孩和女孩是在一起长大的。

    In American society boys and girls are raised together .

  14. 我是和各种动物一起长大的,我对医学很着迷。

    I grew up with animals and I am fascinated by medicine .

  15. 我不需要和他们一起长大

    I don 't need to grow up hand to mouth

  16. 他与被叫Don的爱犬一起长大。

    He grew up with a pet dog named Don .

  17. 我在俄克拉荷马州和一群了不起的人一起长大。

    I grew up in Oklahoma with an amazing bunch of people .

  18. 你知道,他从小就和我的闺女们一起长大。

    You know , he was raised with my girls .

  19. 想想她会和卡尔一起长大

    And just think , she and Carl will grow up together ,

  20. 凯丽是我妈妈最好的朋友从小一起长大

    Kelly and my mom were best friends growing up .

  21. 他是跟我一起长大的朋友。

    You know , he is my oldest friend .

  22. 我和我妹从小一起长大,也吵个不停。

    My sister I lived a cat-and-dog life when we were growing up .

  23. 我们是邻居,还一起长大。

    We were neighbors and literally grew up together .

  24. 我们一起长大,我们的关系非常好。

    We grew up together and we were always joined at the hip .

  25. 你肯定记得我,我们一起长大的。

    Surely you remember . We grew up together !

  26. 我和像你这样的警察一起长大。

    I grew up with cops like you .

  27. 韩知赫和你是一起长大的,对吗?

    Han ji-hyuk is yourfoster brother , right ?

  28. 可你没跟他们一起长大

    You didn 't grow up with them .

  29. 我们从小一起长大

    We grew up together , Darcy and I.

  30. 他是我父亲的养子,我们在奔流城一起长大。

    He was my father 's ward . We grew up together in Riverrun .