
yī shú zhì
  • single cropping
一熟制[yī shú zhì]
  1. 一熟制春玉米吉林省产区超高产田的理论基础与技术关键

    The Theory and Techniques of Maize Super-high Yield on the Single Crop a Year in Jilin Province

  2. 本研究对我国南方一年两熟制地区Bt油菜通过土壤种子库介导的基因流及其影响因素进行了初步探讨,提出了有效控制基因流的栽培技术措施。

    In this studies , the gene flow mediated by soil seed bank and its influencing factors in the region of double cropping system in south China were analyzed , and some effective cultivation measures to control gene flow dispersion were brought forward .

  3. 一年两熟制下旱地土壤水分动态的初步研究

    A Preliminary Study of Soil Moisture Dynamic On Dryland

  4. 普遍推广一年两熟制,大大提高了单位面积的年产量。

    The system of twice ripeness in a year was spread , which raised the output per unit enormously .

  5. 华北地区小麦-玉米一年两熟制是最普遍的种植模式。

    The annual double-crop rotation system , wheat and corn , is the most popular planting pattern in North china .

  6. 在小麦、玉米一年两熟制农田上,进行耕法定位及配合试验,试验表明,耙茬少耕的有效年限为1~2年。

    Tillage location test and its cooperative test in the wheat-maize double cropping field showed that the best time limit for applying disc plough was one or two years .

  7. 该区域内冬小麦-夏大豆一年两熟制的种植体系是我国大豆生产的特色。

    Meanwhile , this region is also one of main wheat producing region in China , wheat-soybean , the plant system of double cropping a year is a feature of this region .

  8. 将“冬小麦+夏玉米”一年两熟制视为一系统整体来研究只施一次底肥,在保证单产不降低的前提下,节约成本,提高效益。

    Only once planting fertilizer will planting system of double crops , which is model of winter wheat-summer maize , be regarded as a complete system to be studied , this lowers cost and enhances its economic efficiency when average yield of per crop does not decline .