  • come;arrive;crop up;take place
  • future;coming;next
  • ever since;about;around
  • 由另一方面到这一方面,与“往”、“去”相对:~回。~往。过~。归~。~鸿去燕(喻来回迁徙,不能在一地常住;亦喻书信来往)。

  • 从过去到现在:从~。向~。

  • 现在以后,未到的时间:~年。将~。~日方长。

  • 用在数词或数量词后面,表示约略估计:二百~头猪。

  • 做某个动作:胡~。

  • 用在动词前,表示要做某事:大家~动脑筋。

  • 用在动词后,表示做过(一般均可用“来着”):昨天他哭~。

  • 用在动词后,表示动作的趋向:上~。

  • 表示发生:暴风雨~了。

  • 在数词一、二、三后面,表示列举理由:这台收录机一~音质好,二~价钱便宜,我就买了。

  • 用做诗、歌词中的衬字:八月里~桂花香。

  • 表示语气,归去~兮!

  • 姓。


(从别的地方到说话人所在的地方) come; arrive:

  • 跟我来!

    Come along with me.

  • 你来啦!

    Hello!; So you're here already.

  • 她过一两个星期就来。

    She'll come over in a week or two.

  • 她说今天早上没有信来。

    She says no letter arrived this morning.

  • 电来啦!

    The electricity is on.

  • 他们来自全国各地。

    They hail from all parts of the country.


(发生; 来到) crop up; take place; come up:

  • 别人一干涉, 麻烦就来了。

    When others interfere, it always makes trouble.

  • 今年雨季来得晚。

    The rainy season is backward this year.

  • 雷阵雨马上就要来了。

    A thunder shower is coming up.

  • 那 一 年, 流行性感冒来得异常凶猛。

    The grippe hit unusually severely that year.

  • 问题来了。

    Problems have cropped up.


(做某个动作, 代替意义更具体的动词):

  • 来一个一百八十度的大转弯

    make an about face; make a 180-degree turn;

  • 来一盘棋。

    Let's have a game of chess.

  • 你歇歇, 让我来吧。

    You take a rest. Let me do it.

  • 我们去踢足球, 你来不来?

    We're going to play football. Do you want to join in?

  • 我自己来吧。

    (指吃东西)I'll help myself.;(指做事)Let me do it myself.

  • 再来一点吧?

    (指请人吃东西) Would you like a little more?

  • 再来一个!

    (请演员表演) Encore!


(跟“得”或“不”连用, 表示可能或不可能):

  • 大事做不来, 小事又不做

    be unable to do big jobs and look down on small ones;

  • 辣椒我吃得来, 但不特别喜欢。

    I can eat red pepper, though I'm not overfond of it.

  • 坡太陡, 车子上不来。

    The car can't come up, as the slope is so steep.

  • 他脾气好, 和谁都处得来。

    He is good-tempered and he gets along with everyone.


(用在另一动词前面, 表示要做某件事):

  • 大家来想办法。

    Let's pool our ideas and see what to do.; Let's put our heads together and see how to do it.

  • 要不要我来帮你翻译?

    Would you like me to interpret for you?

  • 咱们来试试, 看它会不会折断。

    Let's try whether it will break.


(用在另一动词或动词结构后面, 表示来做某件事):

  • 他回村看望乡亲们来了。

    He's come back to the village to see us folks.

  • 我们报喜来了。

    We've brought you good news.


用在动词结构或介词结构与动词或动词结构之间, 表示后面部分是目的):

  • 用我们自己的双手来建设祖国

    build our country with our own hands;

  • 你能用什么办法来帮助他呢?

    How are you going to help him?

  • 我们将开个会来交流经验。

    We'll hold a meeting to exchange experiences.


(来自; 来源于) derive; come from:

  • “girl”这个词是由中世纪英文中的“girle”来的。

    The word “girl” is derived from Middle English “girle”.

  • 这个词是从希腊文来的。

    The word comes from Greek.


(未来的) future; coming; next:

  • 来春

    next spring;

  • 来岁

    the coming year; next year



  • 你这是何苦来?

    Why have you done such an abominable thing?

  • 这话我多会儿说来?

    When did I say so?


(从过去到现在) ever since:

  • 两千年来

    over the past 2,000 years;

  • 十多天来

    for the last ten days and more;

  • 别来无恙乎?

    How have you been since I saw you last?


(用在“十、百、千”等数词或数量词后面表示概数) about; around:

  • 八十来个

    around eighty;

  • 二十来岁

    about twenty (years old);

  • 两米来高

    about two metres high;

  • 六点来钟

    about six o'clock


(用在“一、二、三”等数词后面, 列举理由):

  • 一来..., 二来...

    in the first place ..., in the second place ...;

  • 我好久没有看她, 一来路太远, 二来没工夫。

    I haven't been to see her for a long time now. For one thing, she lives too far away; for another, I've been rather busy.



  • 不愁吃来不愁穿

    not have to worry about food or clothing;

  • 正月里来是新春。

    Spring comes with the first moon of the new year.


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 来俊臣

    Lai Junchen

  1. 她不能来,实在令人失望。

    It 's a real bummer that she can 't come .

  2. 你为什么没来呢?其他所有的人都来了。

    Why didn 't you come ? Everybody else was there .

  3. 窗子打开了,冷不防一只狗探出头来。

    The window opened and a dog 's head popped out .

  4. 资方没有采取任何措施来解决罢工问题。

    The management have made no move to settle the strike .

  5. 这个社区很团结,不欢迎新来的人。

    It was a tight community and newcomers were not welcome .

  6. 这些年来我们过得很开心。

    We 've had a lot of fun over the years .

  7. 我跟你说过我们原本应该用我的方法来做这事。

    I told you we should have done it my way !

  8. 骑师在第三道栅栏处给重重摔下马来。

    The jockey took a nasty tumble at the third fence .

  9. 是什么让你想到他会来这里?

    What gave you the idea that he 'd be here ?

  10. 他拆开信封,抽出信来。

    He slit open the envelope and took out the letter .

  11. 多年来这家人因邻居怀有种族偏见而饱受欺凌。

    For years the family had been victimized by racist neighbours .

  12. 今夜可能有霜冻,把花草搬进屋来吧。

    It may freeze tonight , so bring those plants inside .

  13. 我不得不在涌动的人潮中挤出一条路来。

    I had to fight my way through the milling crowd .

  14. 她天天靠看电视来解闷儿。

    She watches television to relieve the monotony of everyday life .

  15. 一名过于尽职的保安打开了婴儿的奶瓶来查看。

    An overzealous security guard checked inside the baby 's bottle .

  16. 如果有人打电话来,请告诉他我正忙着。

    Should anyone call , please tell them I 'm busy .

  17. 他们用木偶来启发小观众的想象力。

    They use puppets to capture the imagination of younger audiences .

  18. 她从耳朵中取出棉毛耳塞来。

    She took the plug of cotton wool from her ear .

  19. 她喉咙哽咽得说不出话来,只是看着她的婴儿。

    Her throat felt tight , just looking at her baby .

  20. 她张开双臂,孩子向她跑来。

    She spread her arms and the child ran towards her .

  21. 他来了,这盖世无双的范∙莫里森!

    Here he is , the one and only Van Morrison !

  22. 他设法在有限的空间内转过身来。

    He managed to twist himself round in the restricted space .

  23. 同情之意潮水般地从全国各地涌来。

    Expressions of sympathy flooded in from all over the country .

  24. 你能给我举个实例来解释你的意思吗?

    Can you give me an example of what you mean ?

  25. 几个月来,我们一直在争取加薪。

    We 've been shooting for a pay raise for months .

  26. 我们站起身来以便看得更清楚。

    We stood up in order to get a better view .

  27. 我刚一到她就劈头盖脸地批评起我来。

    She started pitching into me as soon as I arrived .

  28. 我很荣幸来介绍我们的特约演讲人。

    It gives me great pleasure to introduce our guest speaker .

  29. 她走进来时我简直不相信自己的眼睛。

    I couldn 't believe my eyes when she walked in .

  30. 尼克这一个月来长高了差不多一英寸。

    Nick 's grown almost an inch in the last month .