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  1. 用散粉来定妆,将多余的粉掸掉。

    Use loose powder to set your makeup , dusting the excess off with a brush .

  2. 综合运用RS和GIS技术以及修订的通用土壤流失方程式(简称RUSLE)来定量化地评估土壤侵蚀。

    This research integrates the revised universal soil loss equation ( RUSLE ) with RS and GIS techniques to quantify erosion risk .

  3. 总结了几种利用GPS对地球静止轨道卫星定轨的方法,并且对仅仅接收GPS星发射的信号来定轨这种方法进行了计算论证。

    The several methods of determining the orbit of geostationary satellites using GPS are summarized . The calculation demonstration is carried out according to the method of determining the orbit of geostationary satellites which only receive the signals transmitted by the GPS constellations .

  4. 于是当苹果公司(在2010年推出ipad)为他们推出“代理模式”(即由出版商和书商来定零售价并给零售商一个固定的折扣)时,他们感到非常高兴。

    They were therefore delighted when apple , on launching the iPad in 2010 , offered them an " agency model " , whereby they set the retail prices and give the retailer a fixed cut .

  5. 假定地震满足几何相似、应力环境相似以及动力学相似条件,因而地震矩M0,长度和宽度方向的破裂时间、上升时间都可以用断层长度L来定标。

    It is supposed that earthquake faulting is satisfied with the three conditions of geometrical similarity , stress environment and dynamic similarity , then seismic moment , faulting time along the length and width of the fault and rise time can be all scaled with fault length .

  6. 本文使用Deeming建立的不等间隔数据的功率谱分析方法,推广使用B&T在数据窗外补充数据的方法,把数据扩展到原有长度的任意倍,用谱线包络的方法来定谱峰确定周期;

    Based on the power spectrum method for unequally spaced data , developed by Deeming , we generalized B-T method by adding data outside data window up to arbitrary times the original data length and recognizing spectral peak and determine periods by means of envelope of spectral line .

  7. 后七匹根据全年的成绩来定。

    The last seven they base on performance during the year .

  8. 使用偶合指数方法来定出开放读码框架。

    Using the Index of Coincidence to identify Open Reading Frames .

  9. 不同价格依据工作所需时间来定。

    Prices vary according to how long the job will take .

  10. 联轴器应采用1.75的“运行系数”来定额定值。

    The coupling shall be rated using a service factor of1.75 .

  11. 角色都依你来定。你扮演每个角色的预期是什么?

    What is your expectation for yourself in each role ?

  12. 以后的就是根据情况来定了。

    The following be decided namely according to the circumstance .

  13. 昨天我定的饭店,今天你来定吧。

    I picked the restaurant yesterday , today it 's up to you .

  14. 我们来定一个时间开会。

    Let 's fix a time for the meeting .

  15. 我的工作很灵活,我可以根据孩子们的需要来定我的工作时间。

    My job is very flexible-i can fit my hours around my children .

  16. 人们给我们电话主要是来定餐的。

    People call us up mainly to order meal .

  17. 在中国,要由你在哪里来定。

    In China , it depends where you are .

  18. 公用工程保证值待定,由最终设备范围来定。

    Utility guarantee values are on hold pending definition of final facility scope .

  19. 她说地点你来定。

    She said for you to decide the place .

  20. 我们要不要确确实实地来定一个日子和时间呢?

    Shall we make a positive appointment for a particular day and hour ?

  21. 然而昨天首席执行官肯扬使尽全身解数来定纷止争。

    Yesterday chief executive Peter Kenyon did his best to extinguish the inferno .

  22. 他们评价某人是通过实践生活和渴望学习来定的。

    They value someone who leads an active life and is anxious to learn .

  23. 窗户没有规定的方法来定的默认优先进程的具体进程。

    Windows provides no method to set the default process priority for specific processes .

  24. 在现代社会里人们大部分是以收入来定社会地位的。

    In the modern society , people are classed mostly according to their income .

  25. 永远别让一枚硬币来定你的命。

    Never let a coin decide your life .

  26. 正弦信号的频率和幅度通过单片机来定。

    We can set the frequency and amplitude of sine-wave signal through single-chip processor .

  27. 没有足够的证据来定她的罪。

    There wasn 't enough evidence to convict .

  28. 我来定见面的时间和地点可以吗?

    Do you mind if I set the time and location for our meeting ?

  29. 亦可以根据一些彼此同意的标准来定优劣。

    It might be on the basis merit , as defined by some agreed-upon standards .

  30. 比较河鲀与人类基因体序列来定出可能的转录调节要素。

    Identification of Potential Transcriptional Regulatory Elements by Comparison of Human and Pufferfish Genomic Sequences .