
  1. 来世说了一大堆好话,然而我记得最深的是人的一生是自己定夺的,小时后吃苦,长大了自然有甜头。

    Said a lot of nice things about the afterlife , but I remember most was one 's life is their own decision , and hours after the hardship , and grow up naturally sweet .

  2. 在宗教领域、或在一些迷信的人群,来世之说比较盛行。

    However , in the religious world or among the superstitious people , the belief in afterlife is very popular .

  3. 这时猫一溜烟的跑了。故事到此也许应该就结束了,但是在第二天早晨收拾床时,我丈夫,一个从来不信鬼神、不信阴府来世的人,说他想告诉我点事。

    That could have been the end of the story , but the next morning , my husband , ( who doesn 't believe in ghosts or the afterlife ) mentioned he wanted to speak to me about something while we were making the bed .