
wén gǎo
  • text;manuscript;draft
文稿 [wén gǎo]
  • [manuscript;draft] 指一篇文章的初稿或尚未最后确定的稿件

文稿[wén gǎo]
  1. 我们需要自愿者来抄写这个文稿。

    We need volunteers to transcribe this manuscript .

  2. 基于Delphi的动态演示文稿创作方法研究

    Study of Creation Method in Dynamic Demo Manuscript Based on Delphi

  3. 他去世时留下大量尚未整理的文稿。

    At his death he left a great mass of undigested manuscripts .

  4. 学生必须在3月23日(星期五)之前用光碟提交演示文稿。

    Students must provide their presentations on CDs before Friday , March 23 .

  5. 她在网上搜索某些信息,并制作PowerPoint演示文稿。

    She searched online for certain information and made PowerPoint presentations .

  6. 例如,按下command和s键通常会存储文稿或文件。

    For example , pressing command-s usually saves a document or file .

  7. 与IBMEducationAssistant中的模块相比,这些演示文稿不太全面,也不太正式。

    These presentations are less comprehensive and less formal than modules on the IBM Education Assistant .

  8. 《国际糖尿病》:您在您的演示文稿中强调,维生素C也是一个非常有效的抗氧化剂,与α-硫辛酸类似。

    International Diabetes : You highlighted in your presentation that vitamin C is also a very effective antioxidant comparable to alpha-lipoic acid .

  9. VB程序中有关演示文稿的填充效果属性的探讨

    Discussion on the Property of Filling of PowerPoint in VB Program

  10. 可以轻松地转换Write中的概要和内容,并通过文本来创建演示文稿。

    It 's easy to convert the outline and content from Write and make a presentation from the text .

  11. 演示文稿中填充效果在VB编程中的应用

    The Application of Fill Effect of PowerPoint in Visual Basic

  12. 使用Delphi直接编辑演示文稿的实现方法

    The Methods of Direct Operating Presentation Document in Delphi

  13. 修改HTML代码来提高演示文稿是与当前的语法麻烦。

    Modifying the HTML code to enhance the presentation is a hassle with the current syntax .

  14. WSDL实现一致性声明文稿的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of WSDL ICS Proforma

  15. n.改写或重写的文稿;改写的作品她试着用简易英文改写那则故事。

    eg : She tried to rewrite the story in easy english .

  16. 单击此处发送有关此powerpoint演示文稿广播的电子邮件反馈。

    Click here to send email feedback about this PowerPoint Presentation broadcast .

  17. 不安装powerpoint也能查看此演示文稿。

    The presentation can be viewed without having PowerPoint installed .

  18. 从前,(我想)学生们进行讨论也不用PowerPoint演示文稿软件。

    Once ( I think ), students led discussions without PowerPoint presentations .

  19. 仅当电子服务位于以下安全区域中时,才允许它将演示文稿发布到本地intranet和internet。

    Allow an e-service to publish a presentation to the local intranet and Internet only if the e-service is hosted in the following security zone .

  20. 将图片或艺术作品复制到PowerPoint演示文稿

    Copy pictures or artwork to a PowerPoint presentation

  21. 如果您计划与其他人(其电脑上未安装numbers)共享文稿,则可以导出它以用于其他应用程序。

    If you plan to share the spreadsheet with others who don 't have numbers installed on their computers , you can export it for use in another application .

  22. WS中增加文稿打印功能的方法

    A Method of Adding the Function of Squared Paper Form Printing to WS

  23. 在“保存类型”框中,选择“演示文稿设计模板”;在“文件名”框中,键入“blank”,再单击“保存”。

    In the save as type box , select design template ; in the file name box , type blank , and then click save .

  24. 在PⅡ350微机上的实际运行表明,无论是有监督的连续语音识别,还是文稿理解或数据文件分析,其结果都与人脑的判别一致。

    The tests run on a P II 350 personal computers shows that the judgment results of continuous speech recognition with reference , text understanding and data file analysis are the same as the human brain .

  25. 提出了一种融合了虚拟现实VR技术、VBA技术的机械设备演示文稿的制作新方法。

    A new method of making production introduce with the combination of VRML , VBA and presentation was presented .

  26. 多年来,人们一直结合使用Perl与GD模块来为Web站点和演示文稿创建有用的动态图表和图形。

    Perl and the GD modules have been used together for many years to create useful dynamic charts and graphics for Web sites and presentations .

  27. PowerPoint演示文稿中的超级链接

    Hyperlink on PowerPoint presentation

  28. 要在未安装powerpoint的计算机上放映演示文稿,请包含powerpoint播放器。

    To give the presentation on a computer that does not have PowerPoint installed , include the PowerPoint viewer .

  29. 有关JavaPersistenceAPI的更多详细信息,可以在JavaCommunityProcess网站以及在若干白皮书、文章、演示文稿和图书中找到(见参考资料)。

    Additional detail on the Java Persistence API can be found on the Java Community Process Web site , as well as in several whitepapers , articles , presentations , and books ( see Resources ) .

  30. 缺乏利用富媒体内容(如视频、Podcast和Flash演示文稿)的能力,因为它们通常很快会过时。

    Lack the ability to leverage media-rich content , such as videos , podcasts , and flash demonstrations because they typically become outdated quickly .