
  1. 本文以文彭篆刻艺术的成因作为论题。

    In this paper , the causes of the text as Peng Cutting Art topic .

  2. 明代中期著名的书法篆刻家文徵明的长子文彭,深受其父文徵明的影响。

    Ming and the famous calligraphy and seal the eldest son of Wen Zheng Wen Peng , Wen Zheng-ming of by his father .

  3. 文中从文彭篆刻艺术形成的历史背景,生平和文徵明给予文彭篆刻艺术的影响进行简要阐述。

    Wen Peng Wen seal cutting art from the historical background , life and Wen Zheng Peng Cutting Art given to the impact of the text briefly described .