
  • 网络style features;stylistic feature
  1. 浅析ChinaDaily中政论性报道之文体特征

    The Stylistic Features of Political Reports in China Daily

  2. WTO协议的文体特征探析

    On Stylistic Features of WTO Agreements

  3. WTO英文法律文本的文体特征

    The Stylistical Features of WTO Legal Instruments in English

  4. Honesty:IsItGoingOutOfStyle?的文体特征及其对写作的指导意义

    Honesty : Is It Going Out Of Style ? & Stylistic Characteristics And Its Guiding Significance To The Writing Of English Argumentation

  5. 一种特殊EST文体特征分析及其认知习得图式

    The Analysis of a Special EST Style and Its Cognition Acquisition Schema

  6. FIDIC条款的文体特征

    On the stylistic features of FIDIC

  7. 英语短篇小说文体特征综述

    A Comprehensive Talk on the Stylistic Features of English Short Stories

  8. 值得注意的是,并非所有的突出都是文体特征,只有那些被意义促动的特征才是具有艺术性的文体特征。

    Only those motivated features are of artistic and stylistic significance .

  9. 非言词表达方式&当代科技英语的一个突出文体特征

    Non-verbal Expressions - A Prominent Stylistic Feature of Contemporary Scientific English

  10. 英文商业合同的文体特征及英汉翻译

    Stylistic Features of a Business Contract and Its English Chinese Translation

  11. 从系统功能的视角看商务信函的文体特征

    On the Stylistic Features of Business Letters from the Functional Perspective

  12. 从句法结构看钦定本《圣经》的文体特征

    On stylistic features of syntactical structure in the King James Bible

  13. 评析英语揭示语的句法和文体特征

    Comment and Analysis to Syntactic and Stylistic Features of English Placards

  14. 论现代书话的概念与文体特征

    On the Concept and Style Characteristics of Modern Remarking on Books

  15. 这种演绎主要通过四个方面得以完成:话本小说的文体特征是途径之一。

    This kind of deduces is composed by four aspects .

  16. 真实性:真实性是日记体小说首要的文体特征。

    Reliability : Reliability is the first literary characteristic of diary-style fiction .

  17. 日记与书信:叙事的文体特征。

    Thirdly : diary and letter : the literary style of narration .

  18. 从语境视角看外贸信函的文体特征

    On Writing Characteristics of English Business Correspondence from the Perspective of Context

  19. 外贸英语文体特征分析

    Stylistic and Rhetoric Features of Correspondence English for Foreign Trade

  20. 功能文体学视角下英文商务合同的文体特征分析

    Stylistic Features of English Business Contracts from the Aspect of Functional Stylistics

  21. 浅析舍伍德·安德森《双手》的文体特征

    Analysis of the stylistic features of Hands by Sherwood Anderson

  22. 医学论文英文摘要的种类及文体特征

    Types and Stylistic Characteristics of Abstracts of the Medical English Research Paper

  23. 小说优美的文体特征显示出了其独特的魅力。

    The elegant style of the novel shows its unique language features .

  24. 英文招投标文件的文体特征及翻译

    Style as a Consideration in the Translation of Bidding & Tender Documents

  25. 再论唐人传奇的文体特征

    A Restudy of Stylistic Feature of Romance in Tang Dynasty

  26. 英汉两种语言在各自长期的发展和演变进程中,文体特征存在着一定程度的差异。

    There exist some stylistic differences between English and Chinese literary forms .

  27. 英语新闻报道文体特征剖析

    A Tentative Analysis of Style Features of the Headlines in English Newspapers

  28. 新时期小说文体特征探讨

    Discussion on Characteristics of Writing Type of Novel in the New Period

  29. 对美国总统奥巴马演讲的文体特征分析

    The Analysis on Stylistic Features of Barack Obama 's Speeches

  30. 语域理论下英语体育新闻的文体特征

    Stylistic Features of English Sports News in the Framework of Register Theory