
  • 网络On Articles;essay knowledge
  1. 亚里士多德在文章《论睡和醒》中写道:人们清楚地观察到,几乎所有的动物都会睡觉,不论是水生、陆生还是在空中飞翔的动物。

    Almost all other animals are clearly observed to partake in sleep , whether they are aquatic , aerial , or terrestrial , wrote Aristotle in his work On Sleep and Sleeplessness .

  2. 举行一场大学生辩论赛大三时,在学校组织的学术论文竞赛中,我的文章《论民法理念》获得一等奖。

    Hold a debate among college students My article " On Civil Law Concept " won the first award in the academic competition hold by our university in my third year there .

  3. 在他那篇最著名的文章《论对资产阶级的全面专政》(1975)中,张承认,要废除“私有财产,金钱和物质的刺激”,还需要经历一段时间的考验。

    His most famous article ," On Exercising All-Round Dictatorship over the Bourgeoisie "( 1975 ), admitted that the abolition of private property , money and material incentives could take a little time .

  4. 然而过了不到一百年,马丁·路德·金说,梭罗的文章《论公民的不服从》是点燃美国民权运动的火种之一,并对美国社会产生了深刻影响。

    And yet , less than 100 years later , Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. pointed to Thoreau 's essay Civil Disobedience as one of the sparks that ignited the civil rights movement and profoundly shaped American society .

  5. 论文分为序言、本论两部分,除序言外,共四部分。文章本论部分的主要内容如下:第一部分,违约金调整概论。

    This paper is divided into preface and the principal argument , besides preface , a total of four parts ' main elements of principal argument are as follows : The first part , the introduction to the penalty adjustment .

  6. 文章从认识论上概括出二者之间的三个区别,即科学知识与know-why相关,工程知识与know-how相关;

    Generalizes three differences between science and engineering , they are : science knowledge correlates with know-why , engineering knowledge correlates with knowhow ;

  7. 四色定理和Ramsey定理是图论中重要的定理,文章运用模型论中的紧致性定理、图象定理等将图论中的四色定理推广到无穷情形,并给出了Ramsey定理基于模型论方法的证明。

    Four colours theorem and Ramsey theorem are very important theorems in graph theory . Exploiting compact theorem and diagram theorem , the paper extends four colours theorem to infinite case and introduces short proof for Ramsey theorem based on model theory method .

  8. 文·文章·文学论现代汉语史

    Writing , Text and Literature On the History of Modern Chinese Language

  9. 盛唐诗人文章创作倾向论

    The Tendency of the Poets ' Essay Production in Prosperous Tang Dynasty

  10. 文章的次要论正点是什么?

    What is the main thesis of the article ?

  11. 应用文章实用功能论

    On the pragmatical function in the practical article

  12. 文章从工具论出发,就如何看待关于修辞原则的不同表述阐述了个人看法。

    The article focused on how to treat different interpretations of the rhetoric principles from an instrumental position .

  13. 文章从课程论的观点出发,结合《机床夹具设计》学科课程,阐述了“一体化”的必要性及具体实施办法。

    It also sets forth the necessity and the ways of integration of Design on Machine Tool and Clamp .

  14. 文章以顺应论为主要理论依据,分析了文化顺应在品牌名称翻译过程中的重要作用。

    In the light of the Theory of Adaption , this paper inquires into the vital significance of cultural adaption in brand name translation .

  15. 文章参照信息论和文本类型理论的观点,探讨了在大学英语专业翻译课中运用多媒体计算机教学的必要性及策略。

    In the light of information theory and the theory of text typology , this paper discusses the necessity and strategy of the application of MCAI to translation classes .

  16. 文章从博弈论的角度观察东北亚局势,历史的分析了东北亚格局的变更,东北亚各国在这一战略格局中的举动。

    This article observes the Northeast Asia situation from the perspective of Game Theory and analyzes the alternation of Northeast Asia situation and the policies adopted by Northeast Asian nations .

  17. 文章基于博弈论视角,讨论了两个开发区在招商引资不同阶段竞争的策略选择。

    Presented a theoretical model based on game theory , We have discussed that the differ competitive edge be taken in differ period of fetching in foreign capital among development zones .

  18. 文章从博弈论的角度,论述银企之间信贷博弈关系,分析造成银行惜贷的成因,试图找出相应的对策。

    With a game theory analysis of the behavior of banks and enterprises , this paper discusses the cause of banks ' credit grudging in order to find out effective and sensible countermeasures .

  19. 针对宏观经济系统中存在的复杂多变性,文章从控制论角度对宏观经济系统的控制论分析方法及主要调控手段、应用效果作了简要反思。

    Aimed at the complex variety of macro-economic system , the cybernetics method and main tool of adjustment & control and application effect are simply retraced in the paper from the angle of cybernetics .

  20. 文章从系统论角度分析了教师教育政策制定的影响因素,主要包括政治、经济、文化、教育、人口、科技、国际等因素。

    The factors have been analyzed in this paper such as politics , economy , culture , education , population , science and technology and international mainly have impact on the decision of teacher educational policy .

  21. 文章以遗传论、精神动力论、学习论、特质论、社会文化及认知-情感系统理论为基础,利用系统科学中的系统论观点,对人格理论进行系统发展观分析。

    According to Systematic theory in Systematic Science , this paper explores a developmental system the personality theory that is based on Genetics , Psychoanalysis , Learning theory , Trait theory , Social Culture and Cognitive-Affective system theory .

  22. 文章从博弈论的角度对此进行了分析,自愿性环境政策缓解了环境管制成本与效果冲突的困境,是未来环境政策的一个重要的方向。

    From the point of view of game theory , this paper suggests that the voluntary environmental policy is a tendency in environmental policy development for it an relax the predicament in its imbalanced cost and benefit in environment regulation .

  23. 第一章,文章通过本体论在哲学史上表现出的不同形态的介绍,分析了传统本体论面临困境的根源及其现代本体论重建的构想。

    It consists of five chapters : Chapter one analyses the origin of the trouble the traditional ontology faces and introduces the thought of reconstruction in modern ontology by introducing the different types of ontology in the history of philosophy .

  24. 文章按照系统论的观点界定了各级指标在心理健康教育工作中的地位和作用,阐述了建立数学模型分配指标权重的方法,使心理健康教育评估指标体系更加合理和科学。

    This paper makes the evaluative target system for psychological education more reasonable and scientific by defining the status and utility of different levels of targets based on systematism and expounding the method of constructing a mathematical model for allocating targets .

  25. 在分析诉讼与非诉讼两种机制的内部关系及相互影响后得出文章的总结论,即在网络民事纠纷的解决方面,我们对于诉讼与非诉讼两种解决机制应该权衡利用。

    After an analysis of the internal relationship and mutual influence of these two resolutions , we come to a conclusion that we should weighting the advantages and disadvantages of judicial and alternate dispute resolution before employing them for solving internet civil disputes .

  26. 这一时期统治者提出了文章经国论,极大地提高了文人和文学地位,反映在创作中即表现出强烈的生命意识。

    Rulers of this period put forward the idea that the article could master the management of the country , which greatly improved the literature and the status of literary men , that was reflected in the creation performed a strong sense of life .

  27. 鉴于目前物流发展的实践和对物流基础设施网络研究的不足。首先,文章从系统论的角度,首次在理论上对物流基础设施网络的概念进行了界定,提出了物流基础设施网络的特征。

    In this thesis , for the first time the author brings forward in theory the concept of logistics infrastructure network and its character from the point of system theory , regarding the practice of logistics development and shortage of research on logistics infrastructure network .

  28. 文章通过分析本体论在数据库建模中的作用,探讨了应用本体论辅助E-R建模设计的基本方法,并由此提出了一种面向应用领域数据库设计的本体论的获取途径。

    Through analyzing the action of ontology in database model design , this paper inquires into the basic method that ontology is used in database E-R model design and proposes an ontology getting path for database design .

  29. 第二部分为文章四友之诗歌论。

    The second part is about Four Literary Friends poetry .

  30. 他的翻译理论集中反映在他的一篇文章,即《论翻译》中。

    His translation theory is included in his article , On Translation .