
chū chénɡ
  • go out of town
  1. 那就出城去呆一段日子。

    Then go out of town for a while .

  2. 或许他出城办事去了,刚刚才回来。

    George : Or he had to go out of town and just got back .

  3. 足迹从刚出城的地方开始。

    The trail starts just outside the town .

  4. 要不是能出城过过周末,我简直快憋疯了。

    Being able to get out of the city at the weekend keeps me sane .

  5. 通过禁止任何人出城的简单应急办法使疾病得到了控制。

    The disease was controlled by the simple expedient of not allowing anyone to leave the city .

  6. 他被叫出城去。

    He was called out of town .

  7. 如果邻居要出城,主动提出帮他收信和报纸。

    If a neighbor is going to be out of town , offer to collect mail and newspapers .

  8. 1.Outoftown出城,旅行,出门A:我要出门。

    A : I 'm going out of town .

  9. 出口B挤满了出去过MemorialDay周末出城的大学生:背着后背包,松松垮垮牛仔裤,棒球帽,粗布包。

    Terminal B was bustling with college kids fleeing town for the long Memorial Day weekend : backpacks , baggy jeans , baseball caps , duffel bags .

  10. 节日快乐。VanDerWoodsen夫人Bass先生我还以为你出城了呢figure:认为我以为你…,sadly:悲惨地,可悲地和Charles一起?

    Blair : Happy holidays m wah , Ms. Van Der Woodsen . Mr. Bass , I didn 't think that you were still in town . I figured that you were with ... , - Bass : With Charles ?

  11. 根据历史学家的记录,公元前373年,希腊海利斯城(Helice)发生大地震前,有很多老鼠、蛇和臭鼬纷纷迁出城。

    In373 B.C. , historians recorded that rats , snakes and weasels abandoned the Greek city of Helice in droves just days before a quake devastated the city .

  12. 我驱车出城,先是向南来到山水海堤(Shanshuibeach),一望无际的金色沙滩上就我一个人,然后驱车往北,赶往二崁村(Erkan),那里坐落着大约50幢珊瑚墙打造、始建于20世纪初的闽南风格精致民居。

    I drove out of town , first south , to Shanshui beach , an expanse of golden sand I had virtually to myself , and then north to Erkan , a township of 50 or so exquisite Fujian-style houses with coral walls dating from the early 20th century .

  13. 军车封锁了所有出城的道路。

    Military vehicles barred all the roads out of the city .

  14. 突然我感到强烈的要出城的冲动。

    Suddeniy , I get an overwheiming urge to skip town .

  15. 我18号那天要出城!

    I 'm going to be out of town on the18th !

  16. 每到周五所有人都涌出城去。

    There 's a mass exodus from the city every friday .

  17. 目前就这么多她要出城了

    Right now that all it does . She 's leaving town

  18. 好了,我要出城一阵子。

    Ok . I 'm out of town for a while .

  19. 我以为他说他要出城了

    I thought he said he was going out of town !

  20. 真抱歉,星期四我要出城去。

    Sorry , I 'll be out of town on Thursday .

  21. 跟从省长的少年人先出城。

    The young officers of the provincial commanders went out first .

  22. 你需要人帮忙把他送出城。

    You 'll need help getting him out of the city .

  23. 我驱车穿越芝加哥西面不断延伸的市郊出城而去。

    I drove out through the spreading suburbs west of chicago .

  24. 每天晚上,耶稣出城去。

    When evening came , they went out of the city .

  25. 他出城了,先生,我也不知道他在哪里。

    He is the out-of-town guy , I don 't know .

  26. 因为我知道我邻居出城了。

    Because I knew my neighbor is out of town .

  27. 出城口公路城市标准改造设计的探讨

    Exploration on City Standard Transformation Design of the Road out of Town

  28. 不,看来他正要出城。

    No , he looked like he was leaving town .

  29. 对运送那衣箱出城界索取额外的运费

    Make a surcharge for delivering the trunk outside of the city limits

  30. 他们出城的时候,正赶上教堂的钟敲两点。

    They had cleared the town , as the church-bell struck two .