
  1. 新的套件包括两个基本“出厂设置”的可选项,这样让客户可以更容易地开始使用BPM。

    The new suite includes a choice of two foundational ' Starter Sets ' that make it easier for customers to get started with BPM .

  2. 布兰斯菲尔德说,少数WEP连接点是默认威瑞森公司光纤路由器出厂设置的。

    he says that several of the WEP connections were Verizon FiOSrouters left with their default settings unchanged .

  3. 雅虎的电脑分析师史蒂夫·伯吉斯建议道,除了恢复出厂设置,你还应该在上交前取出手机内存卡和SIM卡。

    In the Yahoo article computer analyst Steve Burgess recommends that , in addition to the factory reset , you should remove a phone 's memory and SIM cards before turning it in .

  4. 提示:恢复出厂设置会清除账目。

    Tip : Restore the factory settings will remove the accounts .

  5. 在提示选择返回,而不是恢复出厂设置的选项。

    Select back at the prompt rather than the factory reset option .

  6. 然后,你需要重新设置您的手机原始出厂设置。

    Then you 'll need to reset your phone to the original factory settings .

  7. 通常在出手之前,你会把你的智能手机恢复出厂设置。

    Typically , you restore factory settings on your smart phone before parting ways .

  8. 但最近发表在NBCNews.com和Yahoo.com网站上的文章表示恢复出厂设置并不一致,要取决于手机。

    But a couple of recent articles on NBCNews.com and Yahoo.com find that factory resets are inconsistent , depending on the phone .

  9. 如果用户需恢复到出厂设置,选择“恢复出厂设置”并按“确认”键。

    If the user needs to resume to default setting , select " Resume to default setting " and press " Confirm " key .

  10. 基于软件的技术可以防止手机被格式化或者重设为出厂设置,但它不能有效保护储存在手机硬件里的加密数据。

    A software-based approach could protect a phone from getting wiped and reset to factory default , but it would not be as effective in protecting the user 's data encrypted on hardware in the device .

  11. 如果保留出厂默认设置,黑客只通过打开web浏览器并将其指向接入点,就可以访问管理控制台。

    If the factory defaults are left in , an attacker can access the administration console by simply opening a web browser and pointing it to the access point .

  12. 修改或恢复出厂默认设置。

    Modify or restore factory default settings .

  13. 若订购时有说明,这类单位须在出厂前设置。

    The unit is set at the factory before shipment if specified at the time of order .

  14. 刷新BIOS的过程包含两个阶段,如果执行没有被修改的话,将应用出厂的默认设置。

    Flashing the BIOS is a two-stage process , resulting in the factory default settings being applied if performed without changes .

  15. 注意:下列设置步骤假设系统处于出厂的默认设置或非托管系统状态。

    Note : The following setup steps assume that the system is in the manufacturing default configuration , or unmanaged system state .

  16. 如果需要的话,可使用服务处理器的SystemServiceAids菜单的FactoryConfiguration选项,将系统重置到出厂时的默认设置。

    If necessary , the system can be reset to the manufacturing default configuration by using the service processor ’ s System Service Aids menu , Factory Configuration option .