
wài bù wǎnɡ ɡuān xié yì
  • external gateway protocol
  1. 目前,边界网关协议(BGP)是运行于Internet上的事实上的外部网关协议。

    The Border Gateway Protocol ( BGP ) is the de facto exterior gateway protocol deployed on the Internet .

  2. 域间路由协议(IDRP)是一个EGP(ExteriorGatewayProtocol,外部网关协议)协议。

    IDRP is an EGP ( Exterior Gateway Protocol ) protocol .

  3. 边界网关协议(BGP)属外部网关协议,是高性能核心路由器上必须运行的一种路由协议,它主要应用于各主干网所在自治域系统之间的互联。

    Border gateway protocol ( BGP ) is a kind of routing protocol which is widely used in inter-domain connection .

  4. 为了方便网络的管理,整个因特网被划分为若干个不同的自治域,域间通过外部网关协议BGP交换路由信息。

    In order to facilitate the management of the network , Internet is divided into many autonomous systems and Internet transfer routing information using border gateway protocol .

  5. 自治系统间通过外部网关协议交换全局的AS路径信息。

    Exterior Gateway Protocols are used to exchange routing information between ASes .

  6. 自治系统内部通过内部网关协议交换路由信息,自治系统间通过外部网关协议交换路由信息。

    Within the AS , Interior Gateway Protocols are used to exchange routing information . Exterior Gateway Protocols are used to exchange routing information between Ases .

  7. 核心路由器可能应用于各种环境,它必须提供多种路由协议,包括RIP、OSPF、IS-IS以及BGP等内部和外部网关路由协议。

    As core router may be used in all kinds of environments , it must implement multiple routing protocols , including RIP , OSPF , IS-IS , BGP and other Interior or Exterior routing protocols .

  8. BGP4+协议是支持IPV6协议的多协议扩展的外部网关路由选择协议,对BGP4+协议支持IPV6协议的扩展部分进行协议一致性测试是必要的。

    BGP4 + protocol is a Border Gateway Protocol which is extended to support multiple network layer protocols , including IPv6 protocol . It is necessary to test the extended part for IPv6 of BGP4 + protocol .