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  • 网络export porcelain
  1. 中国外销瓷以其精致优雅的情调和富有变化的造型,给予当时欧洲世界一个全新的看待事物的视角和对幸福生活的憧憬。

    With the elegant sentiment and variable models , the Chinese export porcelain gave the European society at that time a brand-new view of matters and a sort of yearnings for brighter lives .

  2. 外销瓷是中外经济文化交流的使者,其造型、纹饰的演变与发展,和特定历史背景下的中外交流有着密不可分的关系。

    Export porcelain is an important part of the Sino-foreign economic and cultural exchange history , whose evolution and development in its design and decoration is closely related to the exchange activities of the time .

  3. 中国外销瓷始于汉唐,盛于明清,外销瓷器纹饰由于受到民族文化、宗教信仰以及社会背景等因素的影响形成了复杂多样的特征。

    The ornamentations of the export porcelain had complicated and multiplex features due to the influences by the national cultures , religious believes and social backgrounds .

  4. 虽然这种形态的外销瓷颇流行,但从盆身上传统的双回文纹饰看应为文人墨客之物。

    Although this was a popular export shape during that period the traditional archaic style decoration suggests that this was possibly made as a scholar 's item .

  5. 青花瓷是我国传统名瓷,也是明代主要的外销瓷。

    The blue and white porcelain , which is the traditional famous chinaware in our country , is the chief export of porcelain in the Ming Dynasty .

  6. 克拉克瓷作为明末清初的一种中国外销瓷,对世界陶瓷文化和陶瓷贸易产生了重要影响。

    Kraak porcelain is a type of Chinese export ware of the late-Ming and early-Qing dynasties , which exerted a major influence on world ceramic culture and trade .

  7. 稀有纹饰精美、胎质良好的青花罐,出口欧洲的外销瓷,估为雍正时期(1723-1735)出品。

    A rare , very well decorated jar with fine porcelain body , made for export to Europe , probably during the reign of the Yongzheng emperor ( 1723-1735 ) .

  8. 图纹优美的青花瓷壶,雀喙嘴,马蹬形金属钉固定的壶柄,清乾隆(1736-1795)时期出口欧洲的外销瓷。

    A well painted underglaze blue decorated , stirrup-handled ," sparrows beak " jug made in China for export to Europe during the reign of the Qianlong emperor ( 1736-1795 ) .

  9. 明代景德镇民窑不仅生产百姓使用的粗瓷器皿,还为富裕阶层供应华贵细瓷,为文人生产雅致的文房用品,以及生产适应海外审美需求的外销瓷。

    In Ming Dynasty , Jingdezhen folk kiln not only produced the practical crude pottery for ordinary people , but also supplied magnificent and expensive fine ceramics for the wealthy people , as well as porcelain for overseas trade .

  10. 中国出口艺术的西化,特别是外销瓷的西化,是18世纪中西经济美术文化交流与互动的一个引人入胜的重要课题。

    Influence of western ideas on Chinese export art , especially the porcelain for sale abroad is one of the most interesting and important issues concerning the 18th Century economic , art and cultural interaction and exchange between China and western countries .

  11. 中国的外销瓷作为东方对西方世界贸易交流的主体,其悠久的制造历史、美观实用而又耐用的特质博得了世界的赞赏、商人的注目和收藏家的青睐。

    As the main commodity in the trade exchange from the orient to the west , the Chinese export porcelain has gained the attraction and favor from the merchants and collectors all over the world due to its long history , graceful appearance , practical utility and durability .

  12. 清代景德镇柳树图案外销青花瓷研究

    Research on Jingdezhen Willow Pattern Export Blue & White Porcelains in the Qing Dynasty