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  1. 结论外丘穴地的位置,有特定动脉分支分布,其血管密度高,穴位处骨间膜上钙高,x2且集中于7寸附近。

    Conclusion Specific arterial branches are distributed and the density of the blood vessels is high at point Waiqiu earth . Calcium in the interosseous membrane at the point is high in content and concentrates near 7 cun above lateral malleolus .

  2. 目的进一步探讨外丘穴地处的血管分布和钙富集情况,为经络穴位提供一些形态学基础资料。

    Objective To further investigate the distribution of blood vessels and the enrichment of calcium at point Waiqiu earth and furnish some basic morphological data on meridional points .

  3. 结果骨间膜外丘穴位处血管密集,外径为14~84μm,其血管密度(Aa%)值为非穴位区的3.27倍(31.12/9.52)。

    Results Blood vessels were dense in the interosseous membrane at point Waiqiu , which was 14 ~ 84 μ m in external diameter . The density of the blood vessels ( Aa % ) was 3.27 times that in non point area ( 31.12 / 9.52 ) .