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fēng shì
  • Fengshi
风市[fēng shì]
  1. 风市穴定位的人群抽样分析

    Sampling Analysis on Human Group for Location of Fengshi Point

  2. 治疗组运用巨刺法以健侧合谷、曲池、手三里、肩髃、风市、足三里、阳陵泉、悬钟等阳明经穴为主。

    The treatment group using Opposing Needling in order to good side and hegu , quchi , shousanli , jianyu , fengshi , zusanli , yanglingquan 、 xuanzhong , such as mainly yangming meridian .

  3. 日间风场在杭州市附近和上海市附近的风向风力有较大变化。

    In the case of wind field , there is a significant change around Hangzhou and shanghai in the day .

  4. 白天由于东海海风和太湖湖风环流与上海市热岛环流相互增强,最大垂直速度可达6.2cm/s;夜间则相反。

    In the daytime , the heat island circulation over Shanghai region is strengthened by the sea breeze of the East sea and the lake breeze of Taihu Lake . The maximum vertical velocity is 6.2 cm · s - 1 . The case is contrary in the nighttime .