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  • 网络Fengmen
  1. 应用单光子发射计算机断层扫描观察家兔风门穴皮下、皮内及静脉注射核素钼锝的走行通路

    Passageway of molybdenum and technetium injected into subcutaneous part and subcuticular part of Fengmen acupoint and vein scanning with single photon emission computed tomography

  2. 采用钢针标定法和层次解剖法,在46具成年人尸体上,研究风门穴与肺俞穴的解剖结构和针刺深度及角度。

    To probe into the anatomic structure , safe needling depth and angle of points Fengmen ( B12 ) and Feishu ( B13 ), steely-needle marked method and layer anatomy method were used in46 adult corpses .