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  • 网络salchow jumps;Huantiac;h uaotiao
  1. 不同时辰电针大鼠环跳穴对血浆cAMP、cGMP水平的影响

    Effects of acupuncture on plasma cAMP & cGMP levels at different times of the day in rats

  2. 用Fokker-planck方程对量子频标伺服环跳周的分析

    Analysis of the Cycle-slipping of the Servo-loops in Quantum Frequency Standard with Fokker-planck Equation

  3. 两组均可降低I-PSS积分、提高生活质量(P<0.05),会阳组的改善效果优于环跳组(P<0.05)。

    I-PSS reduced and the quality of life improved in both groups , but Huiyang group had better results than Huantiao group ( P < 0.05 );

  4. 温针环跳穴加拔罐治疗顽固性腓肠肌痉挛疗效观察

    Clinical observation on the treatment for intractable systremma by warming needling combined with cupping

  5. 方法:运用龙虎交战治疗;取环跳,风抉为主;

    Methods : to use dragon-tiger warring treatment from central jump , the wind resolutely main ;

  6. 环跳直刺进针2.5-5寸,针委中时刺0.5-1.5寸深。

    Jump ring piercing needle 2.5 to 5-inch , needle puncture when the Committee 0.5-1.5 inch deep .

  7. 火针刺血疗法的临床应用心得针灸组给予单纯针灸治疗,用普通手法针刺足三里、环跳、阳陵泉、三阴交。

    The clinical application of bleeding - acupuncture with fire needle The patients in the acupuncture group were treated with simple needle therapy .

  8. 电针主穴选择阿是穴、腰夹脊穴、大肠俞、环跳,并根据经络辨证和八纲脏腑辨证配穴。

    On the principle of meridian differentiation and eight-principle zang-fu organ differentiation , mainly choosing A-shi point , lumbar region jiaji point , large intestine shu , huantiao point .

  9. 结果针刺3次后,会阳组可缓解各项排尿异常症状(P<0.05),环跳组仅可改善排尿不尽感、尿急(P<0.05);

    Results After three acupuncture treatments , Huiyang ( BL 35 ) could relieve urination problems ( P < 0.05 ) and Huantiao could just relieve dripping and urgent urination ( P < 0.05 );

  10. 体针取穴:上肢取肩髃,曲池,手三里,内关;下肢取环跳,阳陵泉,委中,阳辅,解溪,昆仑。

    Body acupuncture acupoints : upper shoulder Jian Yu , Qu Chi , Shou San Li , Nei Guang ; leg to take Huan Tiao , Yanglingquan , Wei Zhong , Yang Fu , Xue Hai , Kunlun .

  11. 然后进入数据传输阶段中,通过基于热点抑制的分环多跳算法,将采集后的信息由外向内向心传递,直到sink节点接收数据包。

    Then enter the stage of data transformation , the sub-loop and multi-hop algorithm based on hot spot suppression , will the information collected from outside to inside pass to the heart , until the sink node receives the packet .

  12. 我是不是该做后内结环一周跳了?

    Don 't I do a salchow right there ?

  13. 异足后外结环两周跳

    Double half loop jump