
  • 网络Environmental Sculpture;environment sculpture
  1. 访欧归来谈环境雕塑

    A talk about the environmental sculptures after returning from Europe

  2. 环境雕塑与景观的空间建构

    Environmental Sculptures and Space Structuring of Landscapes

  3. 第二部分详细阐述了环境雕塑的语言特征。

    The second section elaborateon the language character of environmental sculpture .

  4. 并为环境雕塑的建设提出了合理化建议。

    It also proposes reasonable advices for the construction of environmental sculpture .

  5. 关于当代公共性艺术中环境雕塑的思考

    The Thought of Environmental Sculpture in Modern Public Art

  6. 公共环境雕塑的公众因素与文化环境

    Public Factors and Cultural Environment of Public Environment Sculpture

  7. 文章同时提出了提高公共环境雕塑质量的途径。

    It also puts forwards approaches to the development of the public environment sculpture .

  8. 环境雕塑设计整体意识

    Overall conception in the design of environmental sculpture

  9. 环境雕塑教学与创造力引导

    Teaching of Environmental Sculpture and Guiding of Creation

  10. 环境雕塑在共有空间中的协调性

    The Harmony of Environmental Sculpture in Shared Space

  11. 论环境雕塑的公共性

    On the Commonality of the Environmental Sculpture

  12. 亨利·摩尔的环境雕塑语言艺术

    Henry Moore s language of environmental sculpture

  13. 环境雕塑中的个性

    The Individuality in the Environmental Sculpture

  14. 环境雕塑与客观环境

    Environmental Sculpture and Objective Surrounding

  15. 环境雕塑艺术教学研究

    Research on Environmental Sculpture Teaching

  16. 论建筑环境雕塑的创作基于环境的创作&2号教学实验楼设计体会

    Creation of architectural sculpture design idea based on the environment & design comprehending of No.2 laboratory building

  17. 在艺术与自然之间&亨利·摩尔的环境雕塑观

    Between the Art and the Nature : & The Beauty of the Environmental Sculpture of Henry Moore

  18. 日本环境雕塑(二)&自然中的环境雕塑

    The Environmental Sculpture in Japan

  19. 架上雕塑与环境雕塑

    Stand Sculpture and Environment Sculpture

  20. 论环境雕塑

    On the Environmental Sculpture

  21. 论建筑环境雕塑的创作

    Creation of Architectural Sculpture

  22. 走向化合天地之美的境界&评闵一鸣的环境雕塑艺术创作

    Walk to the State of Combined Sky-and-earth Beauty - Comments on Min Yiming 's Creation of Environmental Sculpture Art

  23. 第一部分讨论城市环境雕塑的公共性及对其影响的主要因素。

    The first section Probe into the public character of environmental sculpture and the main elements that influence it .

  24. 恰如其分蕴生机&试论环境雕塑与客观环境和人文环境的协调

    " To Be Exactly Right " Means Vitality-On the Harmony between Environmental Sculptures , Objective Environment and Humanistic Environment

  25. 本文把雕塑语言这一概念引入到环境雕塑的美学研究之中,阐述了环境雕塑营造生态环境的各种手段。

    This paper inducts the concept of sculpture language into the research of environmental aesthetics , expounds many ways of constructing ecological environment .

  26. 本文从公共环境雕塑与城市文化关系的角度,探讨了城市公共环境雕塑对市民休闲娱乐空间的美化,对城市文化个性的塑造所具有的重要意义。

    This paper discusses the significance of public environment sculpture for beautifying the places to spend people 's leisure and creating urban cultural character .

  27. 设计师(雕塑家)、环境雕塑、观赏者(公众)三者以及他们之间的相互作用构成了一个完整的信息传播系统。

    Designers ( sculptor ), environmental sculpture and viewers ( the public ), plus the interaction among them constitute a complete system to transmit information .

  28. 环境雕塑是不同于架上造型艺术的另一个概念,它的创作题材、环境、视觉规律均受到一定的限制。

    The theme , the environment and the vision for environmental sculpture all have limitations of some degrees , which makes sculpture of this type different from plastic arts on the shelf .

  29. 当代环境雕塑设计与创作有多元化发展的趋势,环境雕塑设计不仅与科学技术、经济相关,而且与人的心理和社会文化联系紧密。

    It exists a trend that contemporary environmental sculpture design and creation will develop diversely . Design is related not only to science , technology and economy , but also to psychology and social culture .

  30. 现代环境雕塑是一种将雕塑与周围建筑环境、地域文化、社会历史综合考虑的艺术创作,是一种将艺术创作概念与城市生活空间结合在一起的艺术活动。

    Modern environmental sculpture is an artistic creation that blends sculptures into the surrounding environment of architecture , into the regional culture , into the social history , thus mixing the artistic creation with the life space of cities .