
  1. 越来越多的公司变得“环保”起来,开始生产所谓的环境友好型产品。

    More and more companies have gone ' green ' and started producing so-called environmentally-friendly products .

  2. 根据美国联邦贸易委员会的修改提议,声称自己产品为环境友好型产品的制造商在关于如何向消费者宣传这方面将会面临更严格的规定。

    Manufactures of products that claim to be environmentally friendly will face tighter rules on how they are advertised to consumers under changes proposed by the Federal Trade Commission .

  3. 木质素磺酸盐减水剂原材料采用纸浆废液,生产工艺简单,属于环境友好型产品。

    The raw materials of lignosulfonate superplasticizer were paper pulp waste liquid and the production process is simple , so it was an environmentally friendly products .

  4. 作为世界最大的电子制造商之一,摩托罗拉公司一直致力于环境友好型电子产品的研发。

    As a leading global company in electronic manufacturing , Motorola Inc obligate for providing environmental preferred products .

  5. 环境友好型聚酯纤维的产品开发

    The Products Development of " Environment-friendly " PET Fiber