
  • 网络Industrial statistics;industry statistics
  1. 《工业统计定期抽样调查试点方案》的设计

    Design for the Programme of the Regular Industrial Statistics pilot Sample Survey

  2. 新中国的工业统计

    The Industrial Statistics of New China

  3. 因素分析法在电力工业统计中的应用

    Application of Factor Analytical Method to Power Industry Statistics

  4. 1994年世界棉纺织工业统计

    Statistics of World Cotton Textile Industries , 1994

  5. 资料来源:联合国工发组织《国际工业统计年鉴》2003年。

    Source : United Nations Industrial Development Organization International Yearbook of Industrial Statistics 2003 .

  6. 环境、能源和工业统计处

    Environment , Energy and Industry Statistics Branch

  7. 欧盟航空航天工业统计数据

    European Union Statistics of Aerospace Industry

  8. 通过小试试验数据和中石化高桥分公司二套焦化装置的工业统计数据比对,证实了该小试试验装置的可靠性。

    The reliability of delayed coking experimental device was proved by the comparison of experimental data and industrial statistics data from Sinopec .

  9. 介绍了煤炭工业统计的职能,阐述了煤炭企业认真开展统计分析工作的重要性。

    The paper introduces statistic fuction of the coal industry and describes the importance of the statistic analysis in the coal enterprises .

  10. 在此基础上,论文利用该小试装置数据和工业统计数据验证了所建立模型在不同条件下对不同原料的预测准确性。

    Based on this , paper checked the reliability of the proposed model on different feedstock under different operating conditions with experimental data and industrial data .

  11. 森林工业统计数据显示:木材产量继续回升,竹材产量大幅度上升,林化产品平稳增长,林业企业经济效益有所提高。

    The statistic data in forestry industry shows that timber output continues to increase , bamboo output is increasing greatly , and the economic benefits of forestry enterprises is enhanced .

  12. 我们选用1998-2003年间的《中国科技统计年鉴》和《中国工业统计年鉴》37个工业行业面板数据进行研究。

    We select 37 industries in China from year 1998 to 2003 . Most data comes from the yearbook of Chinese Industry and the yearbook of science and technology of China .

  13. 但在目前的工业统计实践中,对总产值包括的部份内容、商品产值与总产值的区别方面有含混之处。

    But in our current industrial statistics practices , there exists ambiguity between the merchandise value and the industrial output value and some parts concerning the industrial output value needs to be clarified .

  14. 工业统计调查单位分为两类:独立核算法人企业和工业活动单位。人口激增,工商业蓬勃发展,这些人类活动正是污染的根源。

    They are classified into two categories : corporate industrial enterprises with independent accounting system and industrial establishments . The rapid growth of its population , industry and commerce remain at the root of pollution by human activities .

  15. 2010年6月,工业统计国际研讨会在大连召开,会议讨论了工业生产指数的修订问题,并发布了关于工业生产指数的国际建议。

    In June 2010 , the International Workshop on Industrial Statistics was held in Dalian , China . The conference further discussed the revision of the IIP , and eventually released the international publication : International Recommendations for the Index of Industrial Production ( 2010 ) .

  16. 根据美国唱片工业协会统计,去年全美售出了1300万多张LP唱片,达到25年来的最高点,成了唱片工业内为数不多的增长领域之一。

    Last year more than 13 million LPs were sold in the United States , according to the Recording Industry Association of America , the highest count in 25 years , making it one of the record business 's few growth areas .

  17. 工业产值统计分析的局限性

    The Limitations of Statistical Analysis of the value of Industrial Output

  18. 工业过程统计建模与监控方法研究

    Statistical Modeling and Monitoring Approach Research for Industrial Process

  19. 关于工业企业统计改革的新思考

    New Thoughts about Statistics Reform in Industrial Enterprises

  20. 浅议工业产值统计中的两个问题

    Two problems about statistics industrial output value

  21. 注:1.工业指标统计口径为规模以上工业企业;

    Note : 1.the statistical coverage of the industrial indicators covers the industrial enterprises above designated size .

  22. 四川石油天然气工业环境统计体系现状分析及改进对策

    Current condition analysis and improving policy of the environment statistics system of the oil / gas industry in Sichuan Province

  23. 注:本页为全部国有和规模以上非国有工业企业统计数。

    Note : data of industry in this table refer to state-owned industrial enterprises and Non-state-owned Industrial Enterprises above designated size .

  24. 主要指标和工业生产统计数据显示,尽管二季度增速依旧很快,但出现一定程度的温和放缓。

    Leading indicators and industrial production data suggest some moderation of the pace of growth in the second quarter , although that pace is still rapid .

  25. 试图探讨如何提高工业企业统计信息管理工作的素质,改变机构不健全,报表多而乱,人员少,技术水平低和“封闭式”统计的状况。

    We are trying to study the way how to improve the quality of this work and change the situation of the control organization which is not well formed ;

  26. 在使用投入产出表和中国工业经济统计年鉴两份数据计算工业行业软投入贡献率后,发现两个样本测算的软投入贡献率在1982-2007年均软投入贡献率均为负。

    The annual average contribution rate of soft input in the 1982-2007 are both negative , based on the calculation of input-output tables and the China Industrial Economic Statistical Yearbook .

  27. 中国汽车工业协会统计数字表明,2001年我国轿车的产销量同比分别增长16.35%和18.25%;

    According to the statistics by CAIA , the production and sales of cars in China were grown by 16.35 % and 18.25 % respectively in 2001 compared with the same period a year ago .

  28. 此外,据中国皮革工业协会统计,在2009年到2013年之间,中国的皮毛养殖业每年增长30%到40%,导致了长期供大于求的后果。

    On the other hand , during 2009 and 2013 , the size of the fur farming industry increased by 30-40 percent every year , according to the China Leather Industry Association , which resulted in chronic oversupply .

  29. 包括货价调查、中外商品产地包装等级供给状况调查、国内外金融、贸易和工业生产统计、国内外各业生产状况调查。

    Including the prices of goods survey , survey of Chinese and foreign origin of the goods packaging level supply situation , domestic and international financial , trade and industrial production statistics , domestic and foreign industry production survey .

  30. 根据《氯碱技术经济核算规程》和《化学工业生产统计指标计算方法》要求,提出确定氯碱企业不同情况下发生的自用碱消耗在技术经济核算中的处理方式。

    According to the requirement of ″ Accounting of Chlor-Alkali Techno-economical Accounting Regulations ″ and ″ Accounting method of Guideline of Production Statistics of Chemical Industry ″, And the treatment method in techno-economical accounting of self-consumption alkali happened in different situations was confirmed .