
  • 网络engineering practices
  1. 作为深入探索清代则例,以及《工程做法则例》与《营造法式》、《营造法源》等,古典建筑书之间关系的第一步。

    This will be the first step to study the classical architectural books of Qing Dynasty and their relationships more clearly .

  2. 对沉井下沉的沉降观测,不同时段沉入速度的控制及沉井的纠偏等提供了工程做法。

    Some suggestion about subsidence observation of open caisson , deviation rectification and subsidence velocity control at different periods are putted forward .

  3. 由于涉及到已有结构和新增结构两部分内容,不仅要针对已有建筑过去的工程做法、设计标准和使用材料等已客观存在的内容,还要遵循现行规范、规程和标准的有关规定;

    Since the tow aspects of existing building and the new-adding part are touched upon , project measure , design standard and materials used are not only aimed at but also the related requirements of current code , rule and standard should be followed ;

  4. 实施母亲安全工程的做法和体会

    Methods and practice of carrying out Mother Safety Engineering

  5. 调整人才结构加大培养力度&山西省农科院实施120人才培养工程的做法和启示

    Adjusting Talents ' Structure and Amplifying the Training Strength

  6. 介绍以色列水资源立法的政策法规和行之有效的水资源管理体制,阐述了水资源价格体系,以及水资源淡化工程的做法。

    At the same time , water economy in Israel is also a focus of attention , which owes to their available laws and efficient management systems of water resources . The price systems and desalination projects of water resources in Israel were presented .

  7. 《营造法式》是中国第一部详细论述建筑工艺的官方著作。对于古建筑研唐宋建筑的发展,考察宋及以后的建筑形制、工程装修做法、当时的施工组织管理,具有无可估量的作用。

    Yingzao Fashi , the first official treatise on architecture and craftsmanship , plays an immeasurable role in the research on ancient architecture , the development of architecture in the Tang and Song Dynasties , and the probing into the architectural structures , project decoration methods and the construction organization and management in the Song and its ensuing Dynasties .

  8. 长沙市8408附建式人防工程建设的做法和体会

    A Practice on an Attached Civil Defence Construction in Changsha City

  9. 普通承重砖砌体加固工程的几种做法

    Several Practices of Reinforcement Project for Normal Bearing Brick Masonry Structure

  10. 对九江市实施退耕还林工程的具体做法和产生的效益进行调查,针对存在问题,提出相应的对策。

    The investigation and discussion on the situation of returning farmland to forest project in arid region in north of Pengyang ;

  11. 根据哈双高速公路的施工实践,提出了规范施工、争创高质量优秀工程的具体做法,并总结了哈双公路施工中的施工经验。

    Based on the practice of the construction for Harbin-Shuangcheng expressway discussion is made on how to Standardize construction management and quality .

  12. 本文介绍了美国、日本、德国和我国的建设工程造价管理做法和特点,以及我国电力行业的造价管理情况。

    The article introduces measures and characteristics of construction engineering cost administration in USA , Japan and Germany , also introduces status of cost management in Chinese power industry .

  13. 但因其相对简单,比起保护的其它方面得到较少的关注,规程、反措等文件在这方面提及不多也不够深入,使得实际工程设计的做法多种多样。

    But it gets less attention just because it is simpler than relay protection , and it is not often mentioned or emphasized in regulations , thus the designs are diverse in practical engineering .

  14. 结合南丰小区建行4号住宅楼施工,介绍创优质工程的一些做法以及住宅工程施工的侧重点。

    Combined with the construction of the project example of No 4 Residential Building of Construction Bank in Nanfeng District , authors introduce some methods to improve construction quality and some key points in the process of residential building construction .

  15. 美国油气储量评估师按照油气藏工程分析的基本做法,不能被视为SEC规则。

    The basic method that American estimators use to evaluate oil and gas reserves based on reservoir engineering analysis can not be taken as SEC rule .

  16. 本文介绍了运用电子仿真手段改进生物医学工程实验教学的做法和优点。

    Practice and advantage of improving experiment teaching of medical bioengineering using electronic emulation method was presented .

  17. 如果供应商将工作分包给外加工单位,对该分包工程有什么控制做法以保证其质量?

    If the Supplier sub-contract work to external sources , are there controls to assure the quality of the sub-contracted work ?

  18. 它还宣布,将终止中国企业雇佣成千上万中国工人来印度工程项目工作的做法。

    It also announced an end to the practice of Chinese companies bringing thousands of workers from China to work on projects in India .

  19. 同时,论述了造价管理部门管理工程造价的新做法,即对公路工程造价资料进行积累,建立公路工程造价资料数据库和信息管理系统。

    Meanwhile , it also introduced some new methods adopted by cost management authorities i. e. to accumulate the relevant cost information , and then establish data base and information management system for highway cost .

  20. 阐述隐蔽工程的重要性,工程隐蔽的主要形式,工程隐蔽容易出现问题的原因,以及搞好隐蔽工程的一些做法。

    The significance of concealed work , the main forms of concealing , causes of problems concerning concealed work , as well as means dealing with them are expounded .

  21. 江垭工程建设项目采用国际公开招标方式,在与国际惯例接轨过程中,严格按世行和国际工程界通行的做法进行招标管理。

    Construction of Jiangya project is conducted by way of open international competitive bidding . In the process of dovetailing with the international practice , the management of inviting bids is strictly carried out in accordance with the method currently used in the world Bank and international engineering circles .

  22. 对洪泛区与洪水灾害的关系进行了阐述,对工程防洪减灾措施和非工程借施进行了定义和划分,讨论了美国及其它国家在非工程措施方面的做法。

    The paper describes the relationship between floodplains and flood hazards , defines engineering and non - engineering flood control measures , and discusses the non - engineering measures prevailing abroad .