
  • 网络policy
  1. 总裁在工资政策上摇摆不定。

    To wobble e.g.the president wobbles on wages on wages policy .

  2. 政府将对工资政策发表声。

    Ent is about to put out a statement on its wages policy .

  3. 对于企业而言,它是企业增加或者减少投资的重要决策依据;对于政府而言,CPI则是掌握居民消费价格状况,研究和制定工资政策,货币政策的依据。

    For enterprise , CPI is the basis of increasing or decreasing the investment , for government , CPI is the basis of grasping resident consumption status , studying and working out salary and monetary policy .

  4. 新的工资政策在昨天的会上引起了激烈的打闹。

    The new wages policy caused a terrible fracas at the meeting yesterday .

  5. 福特从效率和利润分享的角度来解释这项新的工资政策。

    Ford explained the new wage policy in terms of efficiency and profit sharing .

  6. 工资政策是个很复杂的问题,要研究。

    The issue of wage policy is a very complicated one and needs to be studied .

  7. 改革开放以来我国教师工资政策的反思及其建构

    Introspection and Performing on the Policy of Teachers ' Salaries in Our Country Since Reforming and Opening

  8. 委员会将于明天开会,讨论在香港落实最低工资政策是否可行。

    The board is to meet tomorrow to discuss a possible minimum wage policy for Hong Kong .

  9. 本文的结论对于制定合理的工资政策,提高资金的使用效率有较大的指导意义。

    Our conclusion helps to lay down the wage policy rationally and make use of capital more efficiently .

  10. 多年来适度的工资政策和提高竞争力的劳动力市场改革使德国获利颇丰。

    Germany is reaping the benefits of years of wage moderation and labour-market reforms that improved its competitiveness .

  11. 再次是协调形式相对较弱的政策领域,包括劳动力市场政策、产品和资本市场政策、工资政策等。

    The weak coordination is the labour market policy , product and capital market policies , wage policy , etc.

  12. 依据科斯第二定理,完善制度将是降低中小学教师绩效工资政策中交易费用的根本举措。

    Based on kos second theorem , perfecting systems will be a fundamental measure of declining the transaction costs .

  13. 所以,政府在调整补贴项目的同时也需要对工资政策作出相应调整,尤其是在政府部门。

    One has to revise the subsidy program along with revising the income policy , particularly wages in the government sector .

  14. 我们实行的是低工资政策,这是一个相当长时期的政策。

    We are following a policy of low pay , and will continue doing so for a considerable time to come .

  15. 他还把”为了追求短期回报而制定的综合工资政策“,一个明确提及资金的政策,列入了这份清单。

    He also included in his list " pay packages encouraging the pursuit of short-term returns ", an obvious reference to bonuses .

  16. 很多工会支持的小组正在对您制定的工资政策、移民政策、健康政策进行着有组织的抨击,

    you were under an organized attack from union-backgroups that were attacking you for wage policies , immigration policies , health policies ,

  17. 由于工资政策基本上是基于语言描述的,没有固定的公式可言,因而很难用数学模型加以描述;

    Because the policy is described by language , but not by formula , it 's difficult to describe it with the mathematical model ;

  18. 另外,企业的工资政策也是影响企业培训投资对员工流动效应的重要因素。

    The firms ' wage policy is an important factor to affect the firms ' training investment and subsequently affect the employees ' mobility .

  19. 广州市劳动保障局的官员说,他们最近已对环亚违反工资政策的行为作了处罚,但同时也说,他们没有发现雇佣童工的证据。

    Guangzhou labor bureau officials said they recently fined Huanya for wage violations , but also said they found no evidence of child labor .

  20. 笔者希望这些研究能为我国教师绩效工资政策的改革作出一点贡献。

    The author wish that the research can make a contribution for the reform of the policy of Teachers ' Merit Pay in China .

  21. 希望以此能够给农村义务教育学校绩效工资政策执行带来一些启示,最终实现农村义务教育学校教师绩效工资的预期目标。

    Hoping that bring some enlightenment for rural compulsory education policy implementation , and ultimately the performance of rural compulsory education school teachers salary expectations .

  22. 同时对两种已经被广泛研究的劳动市场制度:社会保障制度以及工资政策的研究成果进行综述。

    At the same time , we summarized two labor market institutions social security system and wage policies which have been studied by researchers broadly .

  23. 若要回答这个问题,就需要研究一下工资政策和失业率之间存在何种相互影响,以及其他需要考虑的因素。

    To answer this question , one needs to look at the nature at the trade-off between wage policies and unemployment , and at other factors that were present .

  24. 三是东道国影响企业运行费用的制度安排,主要包括工资政策的市场化程度和黑色市场交易程度即市场透明度。

    ; Third , the host country institutional arrangement of enterprises operation expenses , mainly including the intensity of salary policy marketization and black marketing i.e. transparency of market .

  25. 再利用修正过的购买力平价理论,测算出人民币的真实汇率,并且具体分析名义汇率、补贴、工资政策与真实汇率的变化趋势。

    Then work out the real exchange rate of Renminbi by adjusted purchasing power parity and analyze the nominal exchange rate , subsidy and wage policy 's effects on real exchange rate respectively .

  26. 而国有企业选择统一工资政策和企业办社会的福利模式作为服务于用工的激励机制,其行为选择既受计划场域的制约,同时也受中国传统思想的影响。

    And state-owned enterprise run its unify salary policy and offer the welfare mode as the society , at the same time , its behavior is effected by the market and the traditional Chinese thoughts .

  27. 为吸引优秀人才进入到教师队伍,为提高教育质量,为提升教师价值,国家在2008年12月21日出台了中小学教师绩效工资政策。

    In order to attract talents into teachers for improving education quality , to enhance the value of teachers , the chinese issued a primary and secondary school teachers merit pay policy . in the December 21,2008 .

  28. 根据工资政策的特点,在此提出一种三库结构的智能工资决策支持系统,即规则库、方法库和数据库。

    To meet the need of the salary decision support system , the authors proposed an intelligent decision support system of salary ( SIDSS ) based on three-bases architecture , in which includes rule base , method base and data base .

  29. 工会称要工人接受工资限制政策是不合理的。

    The union said it was unfair to ask workers to adopt a policy of wage restraint .

  30. 工会践诺,执行了限制工资的政策。

    The policy of wage restraint was honoured by the union .