
  1. 库区受淹企业停产损失评估与补偿计算

    Loss Assessment and Compensation Calculation for Submerged Factories in Reservoir Areas

  2. 震后企业停产减产损失估计方法的研究

    Study on estimation of post-earthquake loss due to stop and drop in production of enterprises

  3. 国内生产总值增速最低降到3.8%,不少企业停产,大批农民工返乡。

    A large number of businesses had to close and a large number of rural migrant workers had to go back to their home villages .

  4. 政府官员在新闻发布会上表示,将采取诸如断电和停止银行贷款等手段迫使企业停产。

    During the news conference , officials outlined measures such as stopping electricity and halting bank loans in order to coerce certain companies to close .

  5. 张称为了保障北京蓝,至少1万家企业停产、限产,4万余出施工工地被叫停。

    Some 10000 factories will stop operations or cut production and more than 40000 construction sites will be closed to help clear the oft-polluted skies above Beijing , Zhang said .

  6. 2000年之后植绒行业开始滑坡,经济效益逐步下降,许多企业面临停产、或倒闭,企业经营者开始反思,加大新产品开发力度,调整企业经营策略,寻找新的发展空间,行业进入调整阶段。

    After 2000 the economic results of the industry began to decline and it was in adjusting period , many factories faced stopping manufacturing and even going bankrupt .

  7. 这种挑战在年初尤其突出,每年这个时候,大批企业关门停产,数以千万计的农民工回家过年。

    This challenge is particularly acute at the start of the year when businesses close and tens of millions of workers head home for the Chinese New Year .

  8. 1998年开始,随着天然林采伐的停止,四川省的人造板产业遭受了全面的原料危机,绝大部分人造板企业纷纷停产、关闭。

    The wood-based panel industry of Sichuan province has suffered the overall crisis of raw material with the forest log ban since 1998.Most of wood-based panel enterprises have stopped production in succession and closed .

  9. 金融危机对我国经济产生了巨大影响,钼矿行业也承受了很大压力,中国多数钼矿企业面临着停产或者减产。

    The international financial crisis has enormous influence in China , molybdenum industry got into trouble as well , most molybdenum companies have stop or reduce their production in China .

  10. 2003年以来,福建省特别是沿海地区出现了一个改革开放以来从未有过的现象&民工荒,致使一些企业减产甚至停产。

    Migrant labor drain , an unprecedented phenomenon , has occurred in Fujian province , especially in its coastal areas , since 2003.It has forced some enterprises to reduce production and stop operation .

  11. 对于日本各大企业的全球客户来说,这些企业哪怕停产几周,造成的损失也让它们难以承受。

    Even a few weeks of lost production is too much for the global clients of major Japanese companies to bear .

  12. 价格管制在中国已造成诸多问题:两大国有炼油企业抱怨亏损惨重,各地加油站普遍出现紧缺,许多小型炼油企业停产。

    The price caps had caused problems in China with the two large state-owned refiners complaining about huge losses and widespread shortages at petrol stations across the country as many small refineries stopped operations .

  13. 2008年,受美国金融危机的影响,众多纺织行业生产企业陷入了生产经营困难的窘境,挣扎在亏损的边缘,企业纷纷倒闭或者停产。

    In 2008 , with he American loan crisis influences , numerous textile enterprises were in a tight corner and struggled in the loss edge in this case , and abundance of enterprise got out of business or suspends product .

  14. 设备丢失和遭外力破坏不仅导致企业收到设备丢失损坏的直接经济损失,还将造成该电力设施所带的区域居民停电,导致企业停产,严重影响居民正常的生产生活。

    Equipments lost and damaged by external forces not only brought the direct economic losses , will also cause the related residential area power outages and business discontinued of some enterprises , seriously affecting the normal production and life of residents .