
  1. 企业经济行为的道德分析

    Moral Analysis on the Comical Behaviors of the Enterprise

  2. 资源税费制度是政府调控石油企业经济行为的一项重要政策手段。

    That resource tax system is that the government regulates and controls one major policy means of petroleum enterprise economic behaviors .

  3. 通过对企业经济行为的道德分析和道德行为的经济分析,明示企业环境责任问题的经济学特征和伦理性缘由,认识到,企业承担环境责任并不存在着两难困境。

    With the moral and economic analysis of the morals and activities , we find no dilemmas of the environmental responsibilities of enterprises .

  4. 针对汽车工业,本文首先从分析不同国家的企业经济行为入手,比较各个国家和企业汽车生产模式的差异,分析了不同生产模式的制度基础。

    Base on the study of the different way that produce the automobile in the world , this paper analysis the reason of difference from the institution aspect .

  5. 因此,技术并购作为一种有效获取技术能力的企业经济行为,不仅受到国内外学术界的普遍关注,而且引起了不少企业的极大兴趣。

    As effective enterprise economic activities gaining technology ability , technology-motivated acquisition not only attracts the widespread attention of the domestic and foreign academia , but also causes great interest of enterprises .

  6. 资源税作为政府调控矿业企业经济行为的一项重要政策手段,由于在设计上存在诸多不足,已经不能适应当前时代发展的要求。

    Although the current resource tax policy is an important tool for the government to regulate the economic behaviors of mining enterprises , there are still many limitations . Moreover , the policy does not meet the requirements of the present development of the country .

  7. 国家形象中一个很重要的部分就是国家经济形象,企业经济行为在国家经济中的作用非常重要,从这个意义上说,企业形象是经济形象中非常重要的一部分。

    The image of national economy is an important aspect in the image of the country , and economic behaviors of enterprises play an important role in the image of the national economy , so the image of Chinese enterprises is part of the national economic image .

  8. 制造业集聚区企业循环经济行为的实证分析

    Study On Corporation 's Circular Economy Behavior of Manufacturing Agglomerate Region

  9. 论企业循环经济行为的层次性和策略性

    On the Hierarchy and Strategy of Enterprise Circular Economy Behavior

  10. 本文针对我国某些领域经济秩序混乱的现状,以及企业选择经济行为,实现经济目标的策略进行分析与研究。

    The article concentrates on the strategies using which the firm make decisions and achieve economic objective .

  11. 从微观上看,要使企业在经济行为中有可能持久选择道德的行为,社会应当提供一个宏观的且运作有效的制度体制;

    Microscopically , if companies possibly choose moral behavior in the economic action , the society should provide a macroscopic and effectively operated institution of system .

  12. 由于这种金融需求表现不明显,需要对农户和农村企业的经济行为进行分析得出。

    Because this kind of financial demand performance is not obvious , needs carries on the analysis to the peasant household and the countryside enterprise 's economic activities to obtain .

  13. 从市场上各类企业的经济行为特点入手,分析了政府制定绿色财务管理政策对企业行为的影响。

    This paper analyzes the effect that the policy of green financial management made by government result in industrial behavior , beginning with the specialty of enterprises ' behavior in market .

  14. 除法律外,体育市场经济道德规范,就是体育企业在经济行为中处理与消费者及社会各方面之间关系时所依据的行为规范的总和。

    Besides laws , the economic ethic in sports market is the summation of operative norms by which sports enterprises deal with its relationship with consumers and other parties in society .

  15. 传统的基于单边市场特征的产业规制理论,无法解释平台企业的经济行为,也就无法解决具有双边市场特征的平台产业中的垄断与竞争问题。

    Therefore the regulation theory , based on the single market , can not explain the behaviors of platform firms , nor the monopoly and competition problems among the bilateral market platform firms .

  16. 一方面我国大量企业的经济行为处于国内的环境下,具有明显的中国特色.因此我们必须实行符合中国环境的会计标准,即会计本土化;

    Firstly , economic actions of most enterprises in China take place under domestic surrounding and have obvious feature of China , so we must carry out the accounting standard of suiting circumstance of China , this is nationalization of accounting ;

  17. 企业生态经济管理行为的影响因素分析

    Analysis on the Influencing Factors of Enterprise Ecological Economic Management Behavior

  18. 二要加强对企业或法人经济行为的道德监察和监督;

    Second , exercise effective supervision over the economic conduct of enterprises or legal man ;

  19. 技术创新是企业主动的经济行为,对潜在市场价值的追求是企业技术创新的动力所在。

    The pursuit of the potential market value lies in where the driving force of technological innovation is .

  20. 影响企业生态经济管理行为的因素是多层次、多侧面的,因素之间的关系也是错综复杂的。

    The ecological economic management behavior of enterprise is influenced by many factors , whose relationship is complicated .

  21. 这些结论对于解释当前中国企业的一些经济行为,指导我国国有企业进一步深化改革具有重要意义。

    These results are momentous current significance to explaining some recent economic behavior of Chinese enterprise and leading them to further deepen reform .

  22. 本文第二章将合作博弈论应用于班轮运输市场,从组建联盟的潜在动机和原因以及联盟企业的最优化经济行为两个方面分析班轮运输航运联盟。

    In chapter two the author applies the cooperative game theory to analyze the shipping alliance , the conduct of liner shipping company , in the potential motive of it and its members ' optimization economic behavior .

  23. 价格信息不对称对企业与消费者经济行为会产生很大影响,导致信誉好、产品质量高的生产企业退出交易,信誉差、产品质量低的生产企业会大量涌入市场,产生劣质品驱逐优质品的现象。

    Asymmetric price information produces a tremendous influence on the action of enterprises and consumers , which leads to the good prestige and high quality enterprise quitting markets , the bad prestige and low quality enterprises entering markets .

  24. 近年来,中小企业反经济信用行为频繁爆发,加上外部信用环境不断恶化,从而造成社会资源的浪费,影响我国企业在国际上的形象和竞争力。

    In recent years , the anti-economy credit of SME has broken out frequently . At the same time , the exterior reputation environment becomes worse continuously , which results in the waste of the social resources and influence national image and competition of our enterprise .

  25. 企业发展循环经济的行为分析模型研究

    The Research of Enterprise Behavior Analysis Model for Participating the Circular Economy

  26. 上海企业经营环境和经济行为的调查

    A Survey on the Managerial Environment and Economic Behaviour of Shanghai 's Enter prises

  27. 征信活动能从制度上约束企业和个人的经济行为,促使人们形成诚信的观念,促进形成良好的社会信用环境,使我国逐渐转型为成熟的征信国家。

    Credit system could restrain the economic behavior of enterprises and individuals , prompted the formation of the concept of good faith and a good social credit environment .

  28. 在很多领域,文化机制作为一种制度安排的形式能够在一定程度上补充政府制度和市场制度的不足,其通过一定的社会环境因素影响政府、企业和个人的经济行为从而影响经济的发展。

    As a form of institutional arrangement , it can , to some extent , make up for government institutions and market institutions in many fields , influencing the economic behavior of government , firms and individuals through given social environment factors and thus influencing economic development .

  29. 财务行为是重要的社会经济行为之一,从微观上讲企业财务行为就是企业经济行为的中心。

    Financial behavior is one of the most important socio-economic behaviors . From the micro standpoint , financial behavior is the business center of economic behavior for one Corporate .

  30. 与此对应,政府相应地扮演着产业园区的规划者与企业发展扶持者、企业经济行为监督者和制度制定的参与者、无为而治以及改革先驱者的角色。

    Based on it , the government plays the role of programming industry area and supporter for enterprises ' development , inspector for economic behaviors of enterprises and the participant for making system ," true behavior " and the role of reform harbinger .