
  • 网络Corporate Secretary
  1. 21世纪企业秘书素质谈

    About the Qualities of a Secretary in the 21st-Century Enterprises

  2. 浙江民营企业秘书工作现状的调查分析

    Survey on the Secretaries ' Working Condition of Civilian-run Enterprises in Zhejiang

  3. 浅谈企业秘书拟写新闻稿

    The News Writing of the Secretaries in Enterprises

  4. 私营企业秘书工作的诚信问题及对策探讨

    Credibility problem of the private secretary and countermeasures

  5. 有国际律师事务所、会计师事务所或跨国企业秘书经验者优先。

    Secretarial experience with an international law firm , accounting firm or Multinational Corporation preferred .

  6. 企业秘书必须按客观规律对自身角色进行正确地定位。

    The enterprises ` secretaries should play a proper role in accordance with the objective situations .

  7. 新公司申请书、章程、可行性研究报告、董事会组成名单、承诺书、委派书、企业秘书联系人表格。(我方提供样本,由投资方或者投资公司董事长亲笔签字)

    Requisition file , Promise file , accreditation file , constitution and feasibility report of new company , . we can provide the document 's format , only need investor 's signature .

  8. 作者根据在树立事业心、加强基本功培养、处理好人际关系等方面的经验,谈谈如何做一名称职的企业秘书。

    A bit of experience about setting up devotion to one s work , strengthening cultivation of basic skills and improving public relations are summarized for the secretaries of enterprises to be a competent member .

  9. 企业秘书角色定位正确与否,将直接影响到企业秘书工作的效率,影响企业秘书的自身进步。

    Whether the role ` s location of an enterprise ` s secretaries is right will affect directly the efficiency of an enterprise ` s secretarial work and the progress of the secretaries themselves as well .

  10. 在现代企业中,秘书需要协调哪些方面的关系?

    In modern enterprises , the need to coordinate what the Secretary of the relationship ?

  11. 秘书已经成为企业的隐性领导,对企业担负着重要责任:培养企业所有人员的全球意识和团队精神,建立优秀企业文化和跨文化沟通等。这是企业秘书在新形势下的角色和作用。

    Secretaries will be responsible for developing the awareness of globalization and team work spirit , establishing advanced business culture and exchanging between cultures , which are their roles and functions in the new trend .